This guy was an asshole who went on a dangerous destruction spree putting several innocent people’s lives at risk, he was not a folk hero.
The construction plant offered to buy his property, he agreed. Then he reneged on the agreement and upped the price from $250k to $375k and then again to $1 mil. The plant gave up, and continued their plans without buying his property. The town approved of the plant, with the sole exception of Heemeyer. Heemeyer then started lying about the plant blocking access got his business, which it didn’t. When that didn’t work, Heemeyer started filing tons of frivolous lawsuits and complaints, claiming the plant harmed his business, which all were dismissed.
Heemeyer also had a different problem, he refused to pay for sewage. Having a sewage line installed would’ve been too expensive as it required a lift station, so he refused that, but also refused the much cheaper septic tank, claiming that the government was screwing him because they didn’t pay it for him. The construction plant actually offered to pay the sewage hookup if he dropped his frivolous lawsuits, and he simply hung up on them. His solution to the sewage problem was to simply pump his sewage from his business directly into an irrigation ditch. The city fined him a paltry $2,500 after 9 years of him owning the property without proper sewage control. The dude was literally just pumping his shit into an open ditch and refused any help or solution, even when the help was free.
After nobody would buy a bulldozer from him that he had bought from an auction (for no apparent reason), he decided this was a “sign from God”……to destroy the whole town and everyone who he has a personal grudge against, and against buildings and businesses that just happened to be in his way.
He caused tons of damage, put many innocent people and businesses at risk of harm, all for a one-sided grudge he had against the world. Nobody wronged him, he was just an asshole. He wasn’t “pushed to the brink”, he was a piece of shit that was angry he couldn’t force the town to his whims and had to be a functioning member of society that didn’t pump his shit into an irrigation ditch.
And to the liars that sometimes show up to claim he “didn’t intend to harm anybody”, he literally had guns mounted on it and tried to shoot at several people, including a family member of the concrete plant. He also destroyed buildings and that had people inside right before he showed up, including a library that was part of town hall with children in it. He did this in the middle of the day, on a workday, when all of these buildings were occupied. People weren’t harmed because of the work of the police, the reverse 911 call, and sheer luck. Also again, *the mounted guns*. And, again, *running a bulldozer directly at buildings where he knew the people he hated were currently inside of*. You don’t attach guns to and run a bulldozer through occupied buildings if you don’t intend to hurt people.
The man had 107 people listed as targets. Do you seriously think over 100 people in one town have wronged this one guy and pushed him over the edge, or……maybe the guy with a killing machine might have just been an asshole all along that hated everybody an just needed the excuse? The “reasonable people must do unreasonable things” is a quote he made *himself*. I don’t know if anybody would call a guy that pumped actual shit into waterways, thought he was in a mission from God because no one would buy his bulldozer, and then built a killing machine a “reasonable man”, much less actually believe it when he calls himself that. Most assholes think they’re reasonable, doesn’t make them so. He’s just another narcissistic ass who thinks the world should bend to his whims, and then goes ballistic when it doesn’t. He’s a villain, not a hero.
It’s weird how celebrated that guy was. He was a huge nuisance. His town tried to be reasonable with him. His actual grievance was so dumb and 100% on him.
Some times reasonable men must do unreasonable things.
It’s an autonomous PCA craft
This guy was an asshole who went on a dangerous destruction spree putting several innocent people’s lives at risk, he was not a folk hero.
The construction plant offered to buy his property, he agreed. Then he reneged on the agreement and upped the price from $250k to $375k and then again to $1 mil. The plant gave up, and continued their plans without buying his property. The town approved of the plant, with the sole exception of Heemeyer. Heemeyer then started lying about the plant blocking access got his business, which it didn’t. When that didn’t work, Heemeyer started filing tons of frivolous lawsuits and complaints, claiming the plant harmed his business, which all were dismissed.
Heemeyer also had a different problem, he refused to pay for sewage. Having a sewage line installed would’ve been too expensive as it required a lift station, so he refused that, but also refused the much cheaper septic tank, claiming that the government was screwing him because they didn’t pay it for him. The construction plant actually offered to pay the sewage hookup if he dropped his frivolous lawsuits, and he simply hung up on them. His solution to the sewage problem was to simply pump his sewage from his business directly into an irrigation ditch. The city fined him a paltry $2,500 after 9 years of him owning the property without proper sewage control. The dude was literally just pumping his shit into an open ditch and refused any help or solution, even when the help was free.
After nobody would buy a bulldozer from him that he had bought from an auction (for no apparent reason), he decided this was a “sign from God”……to destroy the whole town and everyone who he has a personal grudge against, and against buildings and businesses that just happened to be in his way.
He caused tons of damage, put many innocent people and businesses at risk of harm, all for a one-sided grudge he had against the world. Nobody wronged him, he was just an asshole. He wasn’t “pushed to the brink”, he was a piece of shit that was angry he couldn’t force the town to his whims and had to be a functioning member of society that didn’t pump his shit into an irrigation ditch.
And to the liars that sometimes show up to claim he “didn’t intend to harm anybody”, he literally had guns mounted on it and tried to shoot at several people, including a family member of the concrete plant. He also destroyed buildings and that had people inside right before he showed up, including a library that was part of town hall with children in it. He did this in the middle of the day, on a workday, when all of these buildings were occupied. People weren’t harmed because of the work of the police, the reverse 911 call, and sheer luck. Also again, *the mounted guns*. And, again, *running a bulldozer directly at buildings where he knew the people he hated were currently inside of*. You don’t attach guns to and run a bulldozer through occupied buildings if you don’t intend to hurt people.
The man had 107 people listed as targets. Do you seriously think over 100 people in one town have wronged this one guy and pushed him over the edge, or……maybe the guy with a killing machine might have just been an asshole all along that hated everybody an just needed the excuse? The “reasonable people must do unreasonable things” is a quote he made *himself*. I don’t know if anybody would call a guy that pumped actual shit into waterways, thought he was in a mission from God because no one would buy his bulldozer, and then built a killing machine a “reasonable man”, much less actually believe it when he calls himself that. Most assholes think they’re reasonable, doesn’t make them so. He’s just another narcissistic ass who thinks the world should bend to his whims, and then goes ballistic when it doesn’t. He’s a villain, not a hero.
It’s weird how celebrated that guy was. He was a huge nuisance. His town tried to be reasonable with him. His actual grievance was so dumb and 100% on him.
Used to live across the street from where he built it. Most of the old timers still celebrate this guy like he was some hero. Lunatic.
Armored bulldozers are not unique. My unit (a small army engineer company) had 2 of them in Iraq.
Some coworkers and I were just talking about this story on Friday! What a blast from the past.
It’s hilarious how right Libertarians STILL act like this guy did nothing wrong compared to the people around him.