What I love about this is that, when the grandma tries to do the trick, she doesn’t even wait long enough for the woman at the sink to establish that she’s holding a glass of liquid in the first place. So either way there wouldn’t have even been a trick involved. It’s just – “hey!” SPLASH
If only there was a translation. Would be great to know how she told him off at the end
I’ll be banned from entering our house if I do that to my mom. LOL
Double Chancla attack in 3, 2, 1…
I’ve seen this video a bunch of times and it’s hilarious but does anyone know the original creator?
2 birds one stone
I love how she immediately turned to blame the camera guy! She knew what was up!
Oldest trick in the book, we had one of thsese in the 90s.
I’m so doing this!
Oh God that is brilliant
The same people and same trick from the other vid with the egg
I’m laughing. But I’m also mad. Why you do that to grandma? XD
So grandma is folding laundry, mom doing dishes and he is being an a-hole? Check.
is she the punking pie lady?
This is so funny. They are both equally shocked at the water but imagine being the daughter just chillin at the sink them BAM. Face full of water
Her face when they were hatching the plan 🤣🤣🤣
That’s one way to skip dinner
and many meals after
Bravo! You have no idea how hard I laughed and how much I needed that. Thank You
That is a joke I would to my mom lol
Time to put grandma in a home
Omg these crack me up every time!
I need this in my life
Not funny tbh
What I love about this is that, when the grandma tries to do the trick, she doesn’t even wait long enough for the woman at the sink to establish that she’s holding a glass of liquid in the first place. So either way there wouldn’t have even been a trick involved. It’s just – “hey!” SPLASH
4d chess lol
Abuela ended up in a nursing home the next day…..
That’s hilarious
It’s even funnier because grandma doesn’t actually give her the chance to see the fake drink moving around before throwing it.
😂😂😂 Awesome 🤣🤣🤣
I’ve seen this so many times yet I still always watch it when it shows up in my feed. I love it
The inception of pranks
Grandma is cute. She reminds me of my own grandma. She was the best, our family wasnt the same without her. 17 years and i still miss her.
Lmao I’m sure it’s scripted, but it was amusing nonetheless.
That made me laugh so fucking hard. Holy shit.
That was amazing. Thank you!
Nothing isnt scripted nowadays
Oh fuck that’s funny 🤣 I like this kinda prank where nobody is hurt