Ilya Muromets (1956) – A Soviet fantasy epic based on a popular folk tale. Restored in 4K.
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Ilya Muromets (1956) – A Soviet fantasy epic based on a popular folk tale. Restored in 4K.
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Think *Lord of the Rings* but set in the Kyivan Rus, with a literal cast of thousands and 100% practical effects (the dragons spew real flames for example).
The movie was originally released in the US in a badly cut and dubbed version (titled *The Sword and the Dragon*), which was riffed on MST3K (naturally, the uncut/undubbed original is miles better).
Otherwise, the narrative also has parallels (in a somewhat ironic way) to the current war in Ukraine (the movie has Ilya rousing the people against foreign oppressors, who invade the land and threaten Kyiv).
Aleksandr Ptushko was a master of visually stunning fantasy films and I’m glad that his work is finally getting more attention in the West.
Fun fact: the three-headed dragon in this film (Zmei Gorynych) was one of the inspirations for Toho’s King Ghidorah.
The Deaf Crocodile blu ray is fantastic.
I’m not comfortable giving Russia even a fraction of a penny by viewing its Russian-owned videos.
There are a number of really good Soviet films that just get missed; Liberation (idk how to spell it Ozhvobozhdenie or something) might every well be the best war movie every made until at least Saving Private Ryan.
It beats the pants off of any contemporary western war movie as far as scope and scale. There’s an amazing scene demonstrating the depth of a Soviet assault depicting infantry, armour, artillery and rear lines all with planes flying over head and it is absolutely huge. The camera just keeps scrolling.
Of course, it’s absolutely *hilarious* Soviet propaganda as well: highlights include:
Soviet scouts (I think they were Polish??) finding a train full of prisoners, the lead of whom is German- the Soviets get angry and look to attack him but he responds with something along the lines of “fellow Socialists, I am a fellow Socialist Party member sent to prison, let us rejoice!” And then they all cheer and become friends.
A very high up Russian General meeting with a fairly lowly Polish soldier, where they try to understand each other’s language, only for them to joke about how despite some minor differences, they are not all that different.
Soviet soldiers rescuing a German tanker and treating him kindly upon capturing him.
A female Soviet soldier going full berserk and wiping out an entire German trench + machine gun position.
It’s incredible. The entire thing is on youtube. I highly, highly recommend it.
The MST3K episode about this is one of my favourites.
“Fifty thousand Maria von Trapps face off against the Mongol horde!”