Decided to revisit Prince of Persia (2008). Can’t believe it’s been 15 years since the release. It still looks quite cool. Hope Ubisoft will continue this story someday.
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Decided to revisit Prince of Persia (2008). Can’t believe it’s been 15 years since the release. It still looks quite cool. Hope Ubisoft will continue this story someday.
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This seems interesting, what console is it on?
Crazy that it’s been that long. I remember it being such a beautiful game.
Criminally underrated. Of all Prince of Persias a remake or a sequel to this I would love to play the most
What are games that are similar like this? This looks incredible!
I think the previous one was the best.
Ubisoft used to make really good games. I still wish id get another splinter cell. I need spies vs mercs in my life. I know they announced the reboot but we haven’t heard anything about that in over a year?
Too bad this game is too easy and its ending is locked behind paid dlc.
It should have been a separate IP instead of being a POP game
The relationship between the main two characters was fantastic. They had chemistry and the world itself was really imaginative. It’s a shame we never got a sequel.
I liked that game alot. Downloaded it on a whim and beat it. Great art style. Thoughtful.
Literally the only game I’ve ever preordered. It made me to never preorder games ever again. It wasn’t a bad game though.
Looks like shit. The nostalgia filter must be huge.
Too bad Ubisoft is dumb and too greedy to realize this.
Nothing about this is CRAZY.
It’s an old, half decent game with a nice art style.
Ended on one of the biggest cliff hangers in gaming, then got a dlc, which ended in an even BIGGER cliffhanger.
Art style was cool.
But UbiShit is falling apart slowly, so don’t keep your hopes up.
Still love this game and the way people complained about not being able to die was so narrow-minded. The platforming flow was phenomenal. Looked and felt so good.
Each to their own but I thought this game was shit in comparison to the PS2 trilogy.