I usually only buy games that I’m anticipating playing, and they wind up being so good that I play them till I platinum them in most cases before moving on to the next game
This was me until the end of 2019 when I decided to play one campaign at a time, all the way through. Beat 35 games since then & it’s been my favorite period of gaming ever. I save massive amounts of money this way & my backlog is being reduced most months instead of added to.
I’m sure I’m not alone in that I frequently start a new game, research the hell out of my strategy on relevant subreddits or wikis (often in my moments of free time when I’m not playing the game at home), solidly complete 40%-60% of the game, need to put it down for a while due to other life commitments, then pick it up again a month-2 months later, only to forget what I was in the middle of doing and what my plan was, only to sigh, give up, and decide to start the process again on a new game. Yes, I am in my mid 30’s…
This happens to me all the time. To top it off, I’ll come back to the game later and start it again from scratch cause I can’t remember how to play or the story.
As an adult, I play a game as long as I am interested. It doesn’t mean the game stopped being good, it just means I’ve lost interest. I have only so many hours to play games every week that walking away from an unfinished game doesn’t bother me one bit.
I take my time playing games, I wasn’t even that far from finishing it 😭. Like 4 main missions away I just found the story boring while the core gameplay is extremely fun
The sales over the past few months did NOT help my backlog
Can i introduce you to start a game and just . . . . . . . .
If you remove the words that becomes a really unsettling picture lol. Looks like trying to drown a female exeggcute.
Thats just a failing on the unfinished game’s part for not holding your interest to the end.
1) Buy a game.
2)Start playing.
4)Buy a game
Omg it’s all my Paradox games
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
I use to think games had to be finished but truth is that doesn’t matter only if you have the will to complete it.
Let me introduce you to my friend OCD, he’ll “help” you
I thought this was the gamedev reddit for a minute there.
I could never do that. I would feel terrible if I knew I hadn’t finished I Game I started.
The only game I left unfinished was wind waker and I’ve played a lot of games.
That seems like you have good taste in games with a healthy backlog library.
The problem is if there are too many open world type games in the backlog.
Unopened and unplayed more than unfinished
Yeah I miss when I was younger and would try a new game a get addicted to it for a month. Now I can hardly play the same game for a few days
I usually only buy games that I’m anticipating playing, and they wind up being so good that I play them till I platinum them in most cases before moving on to the next game
Not installed
Never played
Purchase date 5 years ago
Thought I was on r/gamedev for a sec
This was me until the end of 2019 when I decided to play one campaign at a time, all the way through. Beat 35 games since then & it’s been my favorite period of gaming ever. I save massive amounts of money this way & my backlog is being reduced most months instead of added to.
How many unfinished games do you have? I am saving up so i can finish my games, but i still have like 10 games unfinished
Not sure why I can’t finish any game I start. I get bored. Send help.
I have 3 games on steam bought and not yet installed because I won’t play them until I finish the one I’m currently playing because then this happens
I’m sure I’m not alone in that I frequently start a new game, research the hell out of my strategy on relevant subreddits or wikis (often in my moments of free time when I’m not playing the game at home), solidly complete 40%-60% of the game, need to put it down for a while due to other life commitments, then pick it up again a month-2 months later, only to forget what I was in the middle of doing and what my plan was, only to sigh, give up, and decide to start the process again on a new game. Yes, I am in my mid 30’s…
This happens to me all the time. To top it off, I’ll come back to the game later and start it again from scratch cause I can’t remember how to play or the story.
I approve this message
As an adult, I play a game as long as I am interested. It doesn’t mean the game stopped being good, it just means I’ve lost interest. I have only so many hours to play games every week that walking away from an unfinished game doesn’t bother me one bit.
Stop making me feel guilty
The final panel should be the skeleton at the bottom of the ocean labeled “Game’s i’ve bought, but never installed or played.”
Me with dying light 2 after Elden ring dropped
I take my time playing games, I wasn’t even that far from finishing it 😭. Like 4 main missions away I just found the story boring while the core gameplay is extremely fun
1) Buy Subnautica
2) Play Subnautica
3) Buy 7 more games
4) Play Subnautica