Watched the IMAX Early Screening tonight. I am not trying to spoil the story here, but will put the spoilers tag just in case
>!The good: Really good science fiction story, and the music from Hans Zimmer really accentuated the experience. The movie is an ode to the sci-fi classics at heart – with the driving force centered about deep love. The cinematography is top notch, and the scale of things they’ve build is huge. The world building seems a little rushed at the beginning but the political tones are unmistakable. !<
A floating head poster on a different level
Watched the IMAX Early Screening tonight. I am not trying to spoil the story here, but will put the spoilers tag just in case
>!The good: Really good science fiction story, and the music from Hans Zimmer really accentuated the experience. The movie is an ode to the sci-fi classics at heart – with the driving force centered about deep love. The cinematography is top notch, and the scale of things they’ve build is huge. The world building seems a little rushed at the beginning but the political tones are unmistakable. !<
>!The not so good: Plot armor!<