Two of the cells in this power bank are “sand batteries”. They literally have sand inside.
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Two of the cells in this power bank are “sand batteries”. They literally have sand inside.
View Reddit by vstoykov – View Source
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Context: [text in Bulgarian with more photos.](https://vstoykov.blogspot.com/2023/09/powerbank.html)
[Translated to English (Google Translate).](https://vstoykov-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2023/09/powerbank.html?_x_tr_sl=bg&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
Did it work? Or is this a scam?
What’s happening here?
To anyone looking at this.
Please do not go cutting open your batteries to see if any of the cells are sand unless you know wtf you’re doing. And I mean really know wtf you’re doing.
These are mimicking lithium-ion batteries and exposing the contents of a li-ion battery to the air causes a chemical reaction resulting in a lithium fire which is a chemical fire not easily put out.
Think like when airlines were banning samsung phones because the batteries were failing. Or vape rigs that were exploding in people’s pockets.
Just… just don’t do it.
[edit] for the pedants… technically no it’s not the actual contact with air that’ll start the fire. Technically it’s uncontrolled contact between the contents of the battery which usually releases a voltage doing so rapidly that creates the chemical fire. My point is that if you don’t know what you’re doing (and I include myself in that), attempting to force open a li-ion battery has a high chance of doing this, and creating a chemical fire.
it’s a safety “feature” those are resistant to explosion.
I have found this before, have no idea why there is sand in it
Common scam on cheap electronics they advertise a high battery capacity and than just put sand batteries so it still feel like quality based on the weight
Funnily enough, sand is being used (in much, **much** larger quantities) as an actual heat battery: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2023/08/24/natural-battery-storage/
Owning a multimeter and knowing how to use it and interpret the readings is a total LPT.
Especially if you’re buying offbrand shit from China. Test it as soon as you receive it and be prepared to send it back or do a reverse on your credit card.
I had a power bank that I got for free with a phone. First of all it didn’t work and when I opened it, it had maybe 2 cylindrical batteries like OP’s and the rest of it was filled with 3/4 thick heavy glasses. And they were sharp af. Probably they do it to make their broken power bank heavier so that when you hold it, it doesn’t feel like a toy with nothing inside it.
That explains a few cells I came across recently.
Sounds great for going through airport security.
“Just x-ray this power bank… Ok, we got two three batteries and two cylinders filled with something else sort of haphazardly wedged in the casing”
sand it back to the seller. it probably has low quality soildering
Somethings should really only be bought from a trusted brand. A lot of electronics would fall into that category
Once one of my orders got withheld at customs because something didn’t have a CE sign on it. Good to see this has one.
Dude there’s at least 2 whole deserts on earth, did we just solve the energy crisis?!?!
Are you sure the all but one of the others is also?
Makes you wonder if they also skimped on the protection circuit, I’d be very cautious using that with any electronics I care about.
If possible check for radiation. Some Chinese seller have a habit of get rid off radioactive crap by putting small quantities in other items. Because it’s expensive to deal with it properly.
Genius, the battery heats up the sand and then the energy is reclaimed thus charging the battery?
It’s an anti-Skywalker security measure.
I feel like even the most well known brand name versions of these are so cheap now that you’d be mad to risk buying some non-brand knock off for a slight discount.
The creativity of cheaters is unlimited.
Must be this new gravity battery everyone is talking about.
“You know, when you, like, you grab a rechargeable battery and it’s… and you feel it and… it feels like a bag of sand when you’re touching it. “
Wow I didn’t know they started making solid state batteries.
This is pretty interesting because one of the ways of identifying fake batteries is to measure their weight. Most 18650 Li-ion batteries should weigh around 45g, if it’s under it’s probably fake. But you can’t make the same assumption about equal or more weight because if a scammer is smart enough they’ll find a way to make the battery weigh around 45g.
So I can’t help but wonder if the batteries were filled with 45g of sand.
Kind of asking for it buying one of those generic high rated battery banks, they’re all fucking lies.
Bro got pharaoh’s curse💀
Bro thought they just had a bolt of lighting inside the batteries
In India, they are scamming people in trains with powerbanks which has mud inside
“Oh wow, things from Wish are so super cheap!”
I’m gonna hazard a guess and say this power bank was made in… China?
That’s the ground