I see your neighborhood Trump lawns ave raise you this eccentric fan
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I see your neighborhood Trump lawns ave raise you this eccentric fan
View Reddit by Steiner1988 – View Source
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Eccentric is kind.
Talk about destroying property values in that neighborhood…
Putting off bootleg Timothy McV vibes. That is a house where you are required to put lotion on, guaranteed.
There’s guarantee a lot of sister brother fucking in that house
This looks just like a house I saw while visiting relatives near the Pennsylvania/West Virginia border.
I imagine this isn’t great for neighborhood house values.
This’ll keep solar salesmen away.
I love the 2020 modified into a shitty 2024…
Abby Normal
Replace Eccentric fan, with Devoted cult follower.
If they would lay off the flags, they could afford to fix the fence.
Bet you it smells like Marlboro and old dog piss in there.
That’s a glimpse at the inside of their minds. Disorganized, dirty, and confusing.
8th grade education.
If I were judging a MAGA dou@hebag contest I’d have to deduct points here for the lack of “Don’t Tread On Me” and “FJB” flags. LOL
Another enemy of America
you can probably score some Meth there??
Eccentric is a dozen garden gnomes. This is dangerously insane.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
― Lyndon B. Johnson
He’s not well.
Trump wouldn’t piss on that property.
Absolutely fucking gross. How did we let this happen? Nazis should not be this comfortable.
Totally not a cult …
I challenge the “both sides” people to find one person that has done this to their house with Biden signs.
It’s always ghetto-ass looking rural homes with this shit. Poor, rural white people are fucked up in this country. They’re so uneducated they don’t even know they vote for the party that stands against their best interests.
Funny to think of some Trump fan on the living room of his floor with markers watching an LSU game trying to figure out how to spell USA.
This is a person who has never felt important his/her entire life, and has now found the only movement in society that ever appealed to them. I’m glad they’re happy, I wish they’d found their place in something less harmful.
In lieu of a jail term, I propose that Trump be sentenced to visit each one of these houses for a minimum of six hours and a sit-down dinner with the owner. If, during one of these visits, the owner ends up wearing Trump’s face skin like a mask, then the rest of his sentence is commuted.
We really need to work on healthcare in America.
It honestly could be linked to almost all of our problems. These people need help. Hate them or love them, they are not well.
I was on my way to a brewery in central PA. For those unaware PA is Philly, Pittsburgh and Kentucky in between. Well on my way I saw a red ford truck parked on a hill with trump regalia painted all over it and a life size cut out of him on the roof. I do not understand the psychosis that has over taken these people.
Dammit … now i love HOAs
What did these people do with their time/energy before T.Rump?
Tell me your kids are no contact without telling me
As said elsewhere: this guy will vote.
Make sure you do, too.
I can’t understand how the fuck someone gets to the point where they stand outside their house, look at this, and says “yup, perfect”

i honestly think that MAGA is more extreme than Jim Jones/People’s Temple and if Trump gave the word, they’d check out
I don’t have a single thing that says “Biden” on it. I voted for the man; I wasn’t thrilled about it, but it’s the “Sophie’s Choice” our corporate overlords gave us: looming destruction of all democratic guardrails or a man about as inspiring as cup of warm milk. So, I did my duty to the Republic, despite being less than thrilled about the situation. That being said, I didn’t build my entire identity around my decision. I didn’t dress up my lawn or paint the guy’s name across my chest. This cult-like performative show of fealty to a neo-fascist is undiagnosed mental illness. They need help whether they know it or not.
But if i have a tiny rainbow flag sticker on my window im shoving gayness down their throat 🙄🙄🙄
That just looks like mental illness to me
This person is severely mentally ill.
That guy’s gonna vote. Are you?
This is what mental illness looks like.