My son was having a hard time getting motivated for a school project, so we wastelanded it.
View Reddit by sirclicksal0t – View Source
My son was having a hard time getting motivated for a school project, so we wastelanded it.
View Reddit by sirclicksal0t – View Source
Very cool. Hope you ace it!
That looks awesome!
This is clever. Wish we could see the rest of it
Hopefully the teacher’s a Fallout fan
This radiates joy.
Volcanoes! Volcanoes never change!
Now this brings a smile to my face
Did you artificially age it as well? If so, very cool! Reminds me of a book page I did in elementary school and it was supposed to be from the 1700s so I browned the edges a bit and added a small coffee stain.
She’s gonna blow…..ooooh oh oh! VOLCANOE!!!
That’s so cool!
We need more pics bish!
Wow! Quite a response! If y’all want more, here you go.
(Pls be nice re: grammar and such. It is a middle school project, and although I helped a bunch, it still had to be his work)
*Edit* To the commenters saying it’s plagiarized / I made it for him…
He wrote all the copy (I helped with punctuation / sentence structure and suggested some of the opposing question punch ups and page titles).
He found and downloaded all the clip art online.
I showed him how to use cropping / select tools on plxlr.com and he did 50-70% of the image editing (I’m 44, he’s 12. I got more photoshop under my belt)
We did the layout together in Word.
We “aged” it together (I did the burning).
But damn, some of y’all are some cynical saltyboiz for sure.
Huh topical
This deserves an A for creativity alone dude
It’s amazing! I really hope the teacher is a fallout fan. It will make their day.
Thanks for sharing.
If you can’t figure out how to do it in 2022 figure out how to do it in 2277
So you did it for him?
Can I just say you are amazing parents. It is children who grow up with people like you that will realise quickly how great their parents are and will strive to be the same example for their kids
Its awesome to see a parent make learning something actually fun for the kid
How to Parent. Brought to you by Vault-Tech!
I wish you were my dad.
I’m a middle school Earth science teacher. Love this. Definitely an A in creativity.
i’d love dummies books but with the vault-tec theme.
My university mind is damaged. First thought was “well that’s a fail because of the plagiarism”.
2nd thought: great work. super fun to read.
Son: “dad wtf is this shit”
Dad: listen here you little shit you will present it and I will post it on the internet to get internet points and you will love it”
Great motivation
Good parent
If there would be a father of the month award on reddit I would give it to you
You are a really good father
I have 27 years and now I learn what types of volcanoes does exist. Man, my geography teachers sucked xD
This is great! Good dad.
I mean, volcanoes seem like an awesome thing to report on by themselves. There’s a reason they’re the most common science project. Much better than giving a 3 page report on something like the lobby of your freshman dorm
This is how you do education
There are actual nuclear explosions that happen in nature and it’s not in volcanoes.
Parenting win. Pretty cool.
I love this, I hope he gets a 100% on his project because this is so creative and unique!
Best Parent ever!!
That’s cool but would the school expect something like that? I would love to do something like this for a project.