John Green accuses Danaher, owners of Pantone, of price gouging tuberculosis diagnostics in low and middle income countries
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John Green accuses Danaher, owners of Pantone, of price gouging tuberculosis diagnostics in low and middle income countries
View Reddit by throwaway753951469 – View Source
As someone who’s #1 passion is to eliminate modern tuberculosis, he probably knows what he’s talking about.
Aren’t we missing the bigger picture here? Health tests should be in the public domain so other companies can replicate the devices/pods at cost and ensure everyone has access. Allowing them to be exclusive IP like this just encourages greedy behavior.
Also, Theranos is *real* now?
John and his community were able to pressure Johnson & Johnson in to doing better, hopefully the same can be done with Danaher!
Danaher is the epitome of corporate greed. Imagine being able to save lives and still making a 20% profit with $5 tests and being like nahhhhh how about I just let a bunch more people die to keep the investors happy
Danaher is 132nd on the Fortune 500 list. It’s no surprise; they are making a killing on their company Cepheid’s tests. Cepheid marks up these tests by 100-300% for countries that need them the most. It’s time to drop the price of these tests to $5
I really admire what John and Hank have done over the years, in terms of trying to make education more exciting and getting people interested in learning, to raising awareness on issues like this and John using the community they’ve gathered to help apply pressure on companies to lower costs.
And for John, you can tell this is absolutely a passion for him.
i have to admit, i’m really ignorant about the goings-on of the world, and it’s wildly out of my purview of directly necessary interests. john green, however, makes a compelling case through passion alone, and backed with facts, i hope he is able to make progress in this fight
As someone who worked for a company that was acquired, and largely ruined, by Danaher, I 100% believe this. I’ve never seen a company more laser focused on squeezing every last cent of value out of something.
After all the Adobe/Pantone subscription shit that happened a few months ago, this doesn’t surprise me one bit
Just commenting in the hope that it bumps this thread because this is a good cause that deserves attention
Go nerdfighters!
I wouldn’t say it’s an accusation. He goes through it in his video, but it’s pretty clear that they *are* doing that.
I would more say that this is a call-out “John Green calls out Danaher over their price gouging […]”
John Green hates TB, that’s for damn sure.
slay the dragon
I used to work for Pantone and I can tell you, price gouging is an understatement.
My company used to buy a danaher consumable product but working with them is so bad they forced us to find another supplier. I’m not surprised at all they’re price gouging or maybe just incompetent and can’t figure out how to make them cheaper.
For the longest time I felt it was odd that these two people would sign off to each other at the end of their videos. Odder still that why would you do that from two seperate channels. Odder still that I remember subscribing to one and not the other.
I was subscribed to the Vlogbrothers for 3 years before I realized that they used the same channel.
No one should be dying of TB in 2023
I work for a Danaher company. Was not expecting to be part of a vlogbrothers call out.
Update: I’ve heard the price has been lowered or is being lowered.
I am an unabashed capitalist. However, publicly funded R&D is not capitalism.
That public money needs to come with strings – just like a loan. We’ll give you money and facilities (universities), but you need to provide the government with X amount at cost.
That goes for any public/private partnership. Using tax payer money for R&D is not capitalism, it’s socialism that these companies love to complain about.
I remember reading in “Code Breakers” by Walter Isaacson about Josiah Zayner and an active bio-hacker community trying to circumvent many of these high-priced products. They were doing their own genetic work. Josiah was making and testing his own genetic modifications on himself. I wonder if there’s a camp working on this problem?
I have yet to see a phone number in these comments to call and complain. Here you go!
202-828-0850, or Cepheid toll-free at 888.838.3222
This is super important and it’s super amazing that John Green has sunk his teeth into it. Ask me how I know (I treat TB in an LMIC)
At first I thought R/Bjj was leaking.