This is kinda how i felt when i had my 1998 ford ranger. People would cut me off and then brake check me and im just like “go ahead my bumper is metal and i dont care about this truck”.
It’s annoying because sometimes you just want to do a “nice honk” to get someone’s attention, so they’ll move up their car a little bit and you can get past them into a turn lane, for example. But there’s only one kind of honk, and some people react as if you just screamed “fuck you” at them.
If you in fact got into a road rage incident where you killed someone, even in self defense, couldn’t this be used against you as pre-meditation? Genuinely curious.
Man I need one of those
That’s 100% a Texas license plate
This picture is going to be an exhibit at a trial one day.
Might as well say:
do NOT honk at me!
My ego is FRAGILE
I will attempt to Kill You
They drive a Kia….I get it.
Ah yes, the timeline in which things are so bad threatening murder on a bumper sticker is funny
I need this on my bicycle.
Should be on a watch list
Maybe because they own a Kia?
This is kinda how i felt when i had my 1998 ford ranger. People would cut me off and then brake check me and im just like “go ahead my bumper is metal and i dont care about this truck”.
My favorite is “Don’t steal my catalytic converter, I’ll kill myself”
It’s annoying because sometimes you just want to do a “nice honk” to get someone’s attention, so they’ll move up their car a little bit and you can get past them into a turn lane, for example. But there’s only one kind of honk, and some people react as if you just screamed “fuck you” at them.
I’d honk, I’m all about that shit.
Then don’t be looking at your phone when the light turns green!
Saw one I thought was Funny. “Don’t honk at me or I will cum”.
If you in fact got into a road rage incident where you killed someone, even in self defense, couldn’t this be used against you as pre-meditation? Genuinely curious.
How is this shit legal? A car is a dangerous weapon, this seems like it would constitute assault.
Probably true on a Kia
You’re telling me not a single person has called this bluff yet?
Do you HONk YouR HOrN at US, Sir?
No, sir, I do not Honk my Horn at you, sir, but I Honk my Horn, sir.
OK, am I missing something here?
Why is almost every comment treating this like it’s an actual threat?
It is *so* clearly a joke. The self-deprecation and absurdity makes it unbelievably clear.
If you actually didn’t want to be honked at this is the exact opposite of what you’d write. This is just inviting honks.
If anyone is curious, this is marketing for a driving school (
Listen to them.
It’s a Kia.
Kia + Texas plate so it tracks.
At least he’s giving fair warning.