This game proves MK can be more than just fighting games
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This game proves MK can be more than just fighting games
View Reddit by ApprehensiveGene3676 – View Source
It can be a shitty side scroller too
I’m partial because beat-em-up/RPG hybrids are my favorite type of game there is, but I really enjoyed this one. It did not age well at all, though.
Still can’t beat shao kahn tho
Completely agree. The story/lore/characters are my favorite thing about this franchise, so I would absolutely love to see them explore other genres. Specifically more action-adventure where you get to explore the other realms.
It’ll never happen, but the franchise would absolutely be perfect for a Warriors game.
One of my favorite MK games ever!
Fav mortal Kombat, specially in Koop
Deception was a good edition too
There was a sub zero game too, for the N64 I think.
This was a good game. I remember renting it when staying the weekend at as friends house. We thought we’d by playing versus and this was the latest MK, but it was the story mode we played. Iirc, it was 2 player co-op after a certain point.
Fwiw, Street Fighter 6’s World Tour campaign is good like this. Sadly, no demo for it, and it’s short, I “finished” it in ~30 hours. There’s a lot more to do though.
Shaolin Monk’s Test your might was frustrating though.
A second one in the style of the new god of war games with sub zero and scorpion as the protagonists would be incredible
This game was so good, too
My brother and I loved this game, I was Lui Kang and he was Kung Lao. We constantly spammed bicycle kick and hat throw. So many good memories.
Downloaded this game way back (had a modded PS2) thinking it was a regular MK game. Was utterly confused when I started it but kept playing for.. hours. It just sucked me right in and I didn’t even notice.
I play this with my brother when we are young, we just do 1 vs 1 and keep throwing blades and shit at each other and laugh when we are impaled.
Haha, well, different strokes for different folks! 😄🎮
I’ve been saying for a while now that mk would make for a great spectacle fighter ala DMC
Man mortal kombat works so well as a 3d beat em up
You guys never made a sequelllllll
I loved this game, I really think this formula could work again. I actually always check each time a new game is released; been disappointed each time.
Someone’s been watching Maxamillian_dood
I mean…it technically still is a fighting game
The single player campaigns in Armageddon and Shaolin Monks were probably my favourite parts of those games. Recently bought MK 11 after taking a long hiatus from the series, onky to discover the single player campaigns were hustyregylar fights 😢. Any recommendations for games on PC that can recreate the magic of the earlier singleplayer campaigns?
And you could unlock scorpion and sub zero.
Used to rock Kung Lao back in the day.
Throw an enemy up in the air, throw the hat and watch them fuck off screen.