The game is Starfield. You can pick up trash cans and put them on peoples heads, very similar to other objects in Fallout and Skyrim.
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The game is Starfield. You can pick up trash cans and put them on peoples heads, very similar to other objects in Fallout and Skyrim.
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“Maybe you’re looking for something… particular?” – Riverwood Trader
This guys apartment is looking strangely empty now 🤔
Does it still obscure their line of sight?
Bucket head! Nice to see you
Bucket murderer strikes again!
Perfect! Now you can take the golden claw back!
That’s one of those quirks i want them to keep, just cuz it’s fun to fuck around with
swordsmachine in his down time
Do they react to this?
Wait how the hell do you grab and move items? I was trying to figure this out last night and couldn’t but I was also tired AF
So beautiful
Now clean his shop
I find the game very dull and without a soul…
How do i play this lol
Now quit game and load back in. That trash can should be floating about a foot to the right and vibrating in the air as though it’s being rocked around in a clothes dryer.
Still can’t figure out how to move objects! I tried to do this yesterday and the old skyrim “hold A” didnt work 😞
OMG!! I totally forgot to download it! I bought the Constellation Edition or whatever the fuck it’s called.
I remember a time when being able to read the yellow post-it note in the background of this shot would have been genuinely impressive.
But do they notice when you steal something in front of their basketed-head?
I just did the same thing with a bucket to a guy’s head, thank god it’s still a Bethesda game
Well duh it’s the same exact engine of coarse you can do the same dumb shit.
Must have been the wind
Man of culture
Why is he holding an HDD tho?
My test is if ladders work. Only in Bethesda games do ladders not work.
Trash can…trash can never change
I used to love picking things up in Skyrim, didn’t know you could do it here.
Thought this was Garry’s mod for a second.
This Has to be a call back on how Todd got through college.
Does it still act like their older games where putting items over their heads makes them essentially blind to your actions?
How do you even pick up items? Doesn’t work with E.
Commenting on every starfield screenshot I see before the game is actually released:
Shut up 🙂
Can you climb the paint brushes like oblivion
Don’t worry Its still a bethesta game. Getting shot through walls, monsters occasionally freezing in place and falling through the map while getting stuck in the process. Also getting stuck in place after climbing ladders
Just be careful picking up something someone owns, not putting it in your inventory, just picking it up will count as stealing now, I picked up a football to throw it at a net, the balls owner came and jacked all my stolen goodies!
I’d like to thank everyone who paid to get Starfield early, for the hard work they have put in. Their efforts should mean that when it releases for us Gamepass players, we will have some good bug fixing patches applied.
lol I love this feature
damn I thought chet faker had dropped a new single
Hey that’s Lord Buckethead
Doctor Sung having a rough day
Now try running into a door with a plate in front of you