Dear Bethesda, quit teasing and just make it happen already. Y’know you want to.
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Dear Bethesda, quit teasing and just make it happen already. Y’know you want to.
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I loved Quake. I used to run quake servers back in the day and honestly, it was such a happy time in my life with my Compaq Presario and then my custom build that followed.
I wonder if there’s a way to play multiplayer quake today? Is that even a thing? (I’m not a gamer anymore, but I’d like to get back into it)
Edit: holy hell, what amazing and beautiful responses from such an amazing community. You all made my day! So many responses that it’ll be hard to respond to everyone but you made me feel so good. I can’t wait to dive back into gaming and see what Quake is like these days. I’m worried that everyone is going to be so good that I’m going to suck.
A story: I remember playing on 28.8k and 56k modems and then life changing when DSL became a thing and I could run Half Life Team Fortress Classic. That and Quake. I had one of those beige Compaq Presario towers. I remember staying up so many nights and weekends just chatting with people from all over the world and making strategies to capture the flags.
I also played Star Trek Voyager and that was hilarious because I downloaded it from the web and it was in German. So every time I played it was only in German but it was such a riot and cracked me up.
Gosh I miss those days.
Can you imagine a rocket jump with modern graphics and the newer game physics?
Man… quad damage shotgun could look absolutely spectacular in 4k when you wanna get up close and personal
Of course I want it. Quake was the first true 3D game. It was a game changer.
QUAKE is why TF2 exists, so do it now!
Hell yes, a proper single player Quake!! And can we please get Trent Reznor back for the soundtrack?
I used to play twctf for quake with a high speed grappling hook. It was so much fun!!
Heretic- Am I a joke to you?
Isn’t quake 2 getting a remaster
WolfenDOOM Arena
Q3, RA3, Alliance CTF
Those were good days
Quake never really had any plot or theme of its own (until the later ones when they came up with the Strog stuff which was still just whatever), even less than Doom. It had a bunch planned but none of it survived development and it succeeded purely on gameplay that was like nothing else at the time, taking fps games into true 3d. It was as much of a tech demo as anything else.
It’s difficult to say what a revival of Quake now would look like. Is it just boomer shooter gameplay with vague occult/Lovecraftian aesthetic? That would satisfy some but without advancements that really raise the bar on and define fps gameplay is it Quake? Is it worth a AAA development budget? Bethesda would probably judge not.
I feel like this console generation needs a kickass Unreal Tournament as well.
Loved Quake! I’ll never forget my neighbor telling me you can put any music CD in and the game would play it. Metallica’s Master of Puppets was an awesome soundtrack. Almost like it was made for it.
And get Trent back on the soundtrack
I love wolfenstein soooo fkn much
You forgot one: Heretic. Could also use a remake
Does no-one remember last year there was a job posting from Id that referenced the Quake franchise? It’s like 90% sure that this is already well under way.
is it weird that I kinda liked Quake 4?
I just pray they reboot the series with the Quake 1 gothic/Lovecraftian art style
They made Quake Champions, but it flopped. They tried copying overwatch with hero dynamics. Would have better if everyone had the same abilities and you just have to rely on skill like the old games.
I want Quake 2. I loved playing that game.
I could see Quake being a problematic refresh:
1. Do you go with the brooding lovecraftian lore of the first game?
2. Or a bombastic action game like part 2 and 4?
3. Or a multiplayer focused arena shooter like 3 and champions?
The other IPs had a clearer definition of what it is, but Quake encompasses such a wide range of different game sub genres it can definitely be a challenge.
So I know everyone has been there where you don’t know what game to play or you have 10 years of Steam games in which 85% haven’t even been played but “nothing sounds good”.
Quake (and UT GotY / UT 2004) but mostly Quake, are like the beautiful Angel(s) that are always there. Usually I’ll play through Quake (gotta use that +mlook) and then fire up one of the UTs, generally replay almost all the assault maps and it generally fixes it for me. I’ll somehow finish that and somehow have some mild inspiration, if it’s just firing up Dungeon Defenders (redux) again, but that is a bigger commitment and it starts to build into more inspiration and possibly something new.
Anyway, I’d fucking shit if the treatment or recreation Doom got, which the soundtrack is the best Christian Rock I’ve ever heard, happened to Quake. Bonus if Trent and Atticus also did the remaster, fuck I would just shit again.
Can’t wait for some remastered AirQuake
oh boy…you mean Id SOFTWARE jajajaja
ID my man, ID. Bethesda just publishes these games.
Bethesda publishes these titles… They don’t “make” them
Add hexen/heretic to that list…
Honestly, a modern id take on Heretic would be sweet too
The Quake V logo will look sweet.
Also, give us another story driven horror explorer Doom game like Doom 3 plz. Ty
it’s like new order brain sucking scene but in first person
Man I played so much quake 3 arena and quake 2 MP.. never got the feeling of quake 3 again. The speed, the skill
sound track won’t be the same. And I doubt with the current tech market quality workers will settle working for someone as notorious as Stratton for the wages Blizz pays.
Problem is that the original Quake games were meant to be “Doom, but in 3D”. So a reboot of the franchise would either need to follow a different path, or it would probably just end up as “Doom Eternal, but against the Strogg/Eldtrich Horrors”
Also, they already tried to reboot Quake multiplayer, and Quake Champions bombed.
quake was always the more interesting world compared to doom tbh
I need a modern remake of Quake 2 like I need air.
Plz tell me elder scrolls 6 status before jumping into new projects
They should take their time. The new wolfenstein and especially the new doom had clear visions and styles. Emphasizing story and gameplay respectively. They need to build a new updated identity for a new quake and that’s not easy. They can’t just pump out another area shooter because the space is already saturated. They need some additional magic
Give us Hexen!