Tuesday, February 11All That Matters

Fuck Steve Huffman and fuck the Reddit board. Anyway, here’s some drone footage that some Reddit advertisers wouldn’t want to see on the front page


Fuck Steve Huffman and fuck the Reddit board. Anyway, here’s some drone footage that some Reddit advertisers wouldn’t want to see on the front page


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  • Lol, so rebellious.

    So, since you all wanna be fucking hypocrites so badly, tell me this. Why are you supporting a bunch of mods in a “protest” that’s naught but a self aggrandizing tantrum when the mods are the representatives of Reddit’s authority in the first place, and have been enforcing Reddit’s rules, rules intended to make the place sanitized so Reddit can sell advertising and the platform itself?

    Why would you let these egotistical fuckwads represent you, and why would any of you lend them your voice when they are frankly, scum.

    I’ll tell you why, and I’ll already mentioned it. You are hypocrites. Not intentionally, not self aware, no, the kind who live in a fantastical world where the most important thing about you is your race and how often you’ve been victimized and the most important issue is how well the gays are doing, and all men are victimizers and all women their victims, and your merits as a person are about how deeply you feel empathy for victims and not about your abilities and insights.

    If you live so divorced from the real world then there’s no common frame of reference to put anything on so any ridiculous, reaching, or pedantic excuse is good enough as long as you are part of a mob doing something they can claim is “good” or “the right thing”.

    But it’s not right. It’s ridiculous. And you’re ridiculous for supporting them or engaging with it.

  • And with an entire generation that doesn’t know how to feed themselves, is getting better at beating diseases, won’t allow birth control, and normalizes obesity……..yeah shut these down. Enjoy starvation in a few years. That may be the only way to cull this population a bit.

  • Huffman is an asshole, but mods are 100x bigger assholes for suppressing access and destroying subreddits.

    Fuck the mods and I fully support forcible replacement.

  • I hate reddit mods far more than whoever this person they’re complaining about is. Hope you all lose your “jobs” and its given to a reddit employee so you can cry about how the big evil corporation ruined things. As if the current mods hadnt done that long ago (on behalf of reddit’s wishes, ironically)

    Anyway about the video… i dont understand. The narration is so cringy, like “look at this we caught them!!!!” When its just standard industry practices. Was the pit of dead pigs supposed to be shocking? Wtf do you think they do with them? How do you people think we can feed billions of humans?

  • I drove through Hereford, TX one time in the summer heat and the smell of those lagoons of manure was so strong it permeated into my car (windows closed obviously) and burned my and my friend’s noses the stench was so powerful. Easily the worst olfactory sensation I have ever experienced.

  • I feel like most advertisers could look past a lot of this. What would really be more impactful though is if the posts are about the advertisers themselves.

    Granted reddit needs ads to run, but to what extent I have no idea.

  • Thank god these are not dogs ufff, otherwise I would be worried. I mean these two species are very different of each other in all the ways that matter for morality, amerite?

  • Everyone loves sausage but nobody wants to see it get made.

    This is how you feed people, also these farms aren’t nearly the hellholes people want you to think they are. The people who work them are compassionate and care about their animals.

  • This is why I support the lab grown meat movement. People believe farms look like the cartoons they saw when they were little kids, so they’ll rally against grown meat. I just want to live in a world where I my options of purchasing meat don’t include places like this.

    Just this morning I posted about a TikTok my wife had sent me where a conspiracy theorist said the missing submarine was a distraction by the government to cover up the lab grown meat approval, and that the lives of those people don’t matter.

    It sickened me seeing people cheering him on and expressing support for places like this because they have no idea how lab grown meat is produced and how it can save these animals from torture.

    It also saves natural resources because it doesn’t use as much land or water.

  • when you look at this, its obvious to see how something like covid could develop here.

    Look at all the dead animals right next to all the food we eat.

  • Go watch Food Inc.

    2008 documentary that does a better job actually exploring this topic than this over enunciated observationalist. Sequel is apparently in production continuing the exploration of corporate farming and food production.

  • Here in Iowa, they (read: Iowa GOP) went ahead with a law that – wait for it – doesn’t ban recording farms and CAFOs, but instead… makes it illegal to operate a drone within 400′ of livestock.

    Guess what the non-commercial altitude limit for private drone use is.

  • I worked a Perdue farms and hung and killed chickens a few years in live hang, and Poultry processing is unlike anything I’d ever did before. every chicken mattered.

    birds ran through at 140 a minute, sometimes faster if we was trying to catch up, worked on a 6 man hanging crew. 5 on the line at all times, got a 10 min break ever hour. Other than that you hung 28 live chickens upside down every minute (every 5’th shackle) for 8 hours a day.

    Good luck getting any more regulations in there. 2 shifts would kill 1.7 million birds a week over a 6 day work week, and still couldn’t kill enough to meet demand. The’ll never slow down.

    Crazy industry.

  • This is shitty, no doubt about it. But what’s the alternative? Is the only real solution the need to charge $10 for a dozen eggs and $20 for a pound of chicken breast? Or lab grown meat, which as i understand isn’t cheaper (right now) than the real thing? It’s all fine and dandy for people in a financial position to be able to afford products from small family run farms but is it practical at scale for people without that kind of financial ability? Or are we just saying that if you’re not in an financial position to be able to afford small farm products produced in a way we all would consider acceptable, too bad?

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