That demo you played from PlayStation Underground Jampack 24 years ago.
That demo you played from PlayStation Underground Jampack 24 years ago.
by u/zhinotakux in gaming
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That demo you played from PlayStation Underground Jampack 24 years ago.
That demo you played from PlayStation Underground Jampack 24 years ago.
by u/zhinotakux in gaming
View Reddit by zhinotakux – View Source
I dug through the depths of my dusty, friendly neighborhood game store to find that game and play when I bought my PS2. I friggin love that game
Best game I never bought.
I would LOVE to see these come back. I wonder who owns the license these days. o.O
Deep file cabinet
Broh I played this game in the Sony store.. member Sony stores with demo booths?
I’d really prefer if you’d be quiet
Tomba was great, though the demo I remember loving the most was for the original Warhawk, which gave you the first level, the pyramid.
Was it even a real game? I played that demo forever until I got the FF7 demo
The demo was so good they made a sequel to it.
This game caused a lot of fights in my house growing up. My brother’s and I would be fighting over who’s turn was it was.
I loved this game. I’ve tried to replay it so many times have no clue what to do and eventually put it down.
I had a demo for the second game and I played it endlessly. To this day I still wish I had the game but I can’t shell out that kind of money. I do still have my demo disk to at least relive those memories.
That disc also had Tekken 3 demo. Playing as a breakdancing Eddie was wild at the time. Also Blasto!
Tombi and Tombi 2 were my jam back In the day. Such a fun gane
Fun fact” The developers had to change the name when they released it in Italy as “Tomba” means “tomb” in Italian. So they changed it to “Tombi” in Europe
I played this on emulator ages ago because I randomly remember this game from the Pizza Hut demo disk
Loved the demo, rented the game had fun, never understood how to beat the bosses though.
Edit: Played the demo on the OPM disc though, not Jampack
Excuse me, demo? More like the best damn game ever. Demo I played the most was Einhander
I’ve played this whole demo disc so so many many times. Now I own every single game on it except Einhander, which I had a single opportunity to buy at a used game store for 30 bucks and turned it down and have deeply regretted ever since.
This brought back more than just THAT specific memory
I played the absolute fuck out of this demo back to front because the world and aesthetic was so captivating and inviting, I almost wish someone had told me that when you play past where the demo ends the game completely does a 180 and beats the everliving shit out of you with a fucking wind level and *horror mushroom forests that make Tomba alternate between laughing manically and sobbing* and the difficulty just gets *worse* the longer the game goes
I own both, love these games.
Omg I just unearthed my copy of Tombi 1 and Tombi 2 yesterday! 😍 Actually going to replay them, this is a sign I should ha
I had it and the second one. Favorite game of all time
I remember playing the metal gear solid demo for hours and hours then a new issue came out with a new disc, same demo and again I played it for hours then after a few days I played again but crawled into the vents by the helipad to discover…the game kept going! Another map, more story, more cut scenes more more more! It was awesome.
I’ve wanted this game ever since but have never gotten it
Tomba 2 will always be my masterpiece
I saw a copy of tomba2 for like £400 lol.
Duddeeeee! Wow. Hit me hard in the nostalgia.
One of the best games for PS!
I feel this on a spiritual level.
That demo convinced me to get the game. I absolutely love it.
I would really prefer if you‘d be quiet.
All I know from this game is the VERY awkward speedrun
“I’d prefer if you be quiet”
Still got the demo disk, got the game itself and the sequel (although that one is a pirated copy, couldn’t find the original).
I loved everything about it except the damn pig car competition.