“The Ed Sullivan Show”: A look back at the legacy of the variety show after 75 years
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“The Ed Sullivan Show”: A look back at the legacy of the variety show after 75 years
View Reddit by MulciberTenebras – View Source
It is absolutely incredible that one man, one show, introduced the United States to so much excellent and diverse talent. When you consider that people today can stream whatever they want 24/7, how much of that content will actually be remembered 10, 20, much less than 60 years from now? Ed Sullivan was an entertainment spotting genius and deserves the highest honors as such.
as a kid in the 90´s I went through a big 60´s phase, adored the Beatles, the stones, the doors etc. Catching reruns of Ed Sullivan was an absolute goldmine for me.
As a musical theatre fan, The Ed Sullivan Show is the only video record for many, many classic Broadway shows and stars.
Ed Sullivan: Bye Bye Birdie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRLe6MfGsDo&ab_channel=emijager
Good story about him on CBS Sunday Morning today.
His show did a ton for the muppets