I painted this majestic creature
View Reddit by paulfknwalsh – View Source
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I painted this majestic creature
View Reddit by paulfknwalsh – View Source
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John Olibird
It’s a piJohn.
I’m really curious to see how much of this makes it to his show… does anyone expect him to not being this up? lol
This is great, well done.
You didn’t have to, really 🙂
He’s happier as a bird.
Mouth watering
PiJohn OliBird
I’m not sure how you got this majestic bird in the wild but it is spot on. Stunning, absolutely stunning!
Make sure to post this to r/art as well! They’re dying to see this kind of quality content over there.
You should put this in r/Art. It’s all about John Oliver art now 👌🏻
What’s going on with this guy on Reddit? I don’t recognize him.
You captured the autism quite well.
John’s sitting at home right now, bored as fuck because of the writer’s strike. You know he knows what’s going on here, that he’s loving it, and that he is probably going to talk about it when he goes back on the air.
He’s a cute lil r/partyparrot
And like a pigeon he annoyingly shits on everything
Whoa, whoa, whoa…. easy there. Someone should label this NSFW. I can’t be seen in public with an erection.
Op you captured his braindead stare so perfectly. This probably should be put into a museum for future generations to admire.
Daymn how long did that take
Hope oliver covers this on his show that would be hilarious.
_Redditors:_ “No, I totally support the lockdown, I’ll just resist my urge to post new stuff every day to farm karma.”
_Redditors three days later:_
All I see is Zazu