Monday, February 24All That Matters

Glad to see FFXVI rated M & geared towards adults


Fans who grew up with the series are adults now. Finally the series feels like it grew up too, taking on a Game of Thrones / Lord of the Rings vibe.

The only other demos that hooked me this hard & I played over & over were Metal Gear Solid 2 & Shadow of the Colossus.


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  • So by “geared towards adults” are you saying it like how a twelve year old says it, that it’s extremely violent and edgy or do you mean it like “it handles themes that may be too much for younger audiences to understand and handle maturely”?

    If it’s the latter, I may give it a try in three years when Sony’s annoying exclusivity ends. If it’s the former, I will never touch this game in my life.

  • I stopped with FF after 13-1, for many reasons, not the least of which was how it tried to hide most of the story in menu text files and split the narrative in 3 parts. I paid close to $70 for what felt like 1/6 of a complete story, and at that point, I was done. Every subsequent entry from that point forward felt like it was doing more of the same, and I don’t have the time to do MMOs as a married adult with children. If 16 can prove to be a complete story without having to buy a bunch of additionals, like mini-movie supplemental chapters, or download an app, or read a novel’s worth of text hidden in menus, and handles life themes like a competent writer would if they were trying to gain clarity in life, maybe I’ll come back to this series.

  • I’m not really a fan of series growing up necessarily. I thought the demo was fun but I definitely enjoyed the more lighthearted 7 remake than 16.

    At least for me, just cause I’ve got older doesn’t mean I’m looking for more mature themed games all the time.

  • Gotta say, I loved the demo. It gave you a handful of tutorials, a pretty big chunk of the beginning story, along with some pretty fun boss fights. Definitely got the game of thrones feel, along with Attack on Titan. Definitely recommend, at least get the demo and try it out, it did its job on me and has me hooked.

  • I mean. FF always told a “mature” story with death, love, and other mature themes (even before VI and VII). I guess people didn’t see that much into it, mostly because of the graphics.

  • Yep, that’s why I’m not too eager to buy it anytime soon. I’ve played the demo and I just don’t feel it.
    My favorite FF is FFIX. I miss the vibe of it. FFXIV feels too dark in tone for my liking. Same with FFXIV for me. I’ve finished it but I’m not the biggest fan.

  • I remember bringing my dad into my bedroom to show him FFIV when I was a kid to show him how cool it was. He humored me and kind of teased me a little. “It would be cooler if they actually hit each other when you attacked…”


    When I was playing the demo I couldn’t help but feel like it was everything I imagined in my head as a little kid playing FF in the 80s and 90s. So stoked to be able to experience it from the perspective of a person who grew up with this series real time

  • Idk, i’m nearing 40 and i’m realizing that the older I get, the less I find “mature” content appealing. As a kid I was drawn to it, probably because I knew it was not meant for someone my age. Maybe i’m just becoming a weenie as I grow older. XD

  • Okay Final Fantasy 16 actually seems like a really good game. Like legitimately the demo was a lot of fun and I’m really looking forward to getting into this game and its world. But honestly, and I said this as a lifelong fan of Final Fantasy, one thing I noticed about the demo is that the more realistic, mature tone makes that classic Final Fantasy melodrama kind of distracting.

    Like we have Clive’s dad who is the most pure, noble, virtuous, righteous good, and his mother who is irredeemably, obviously, psychotically evil.

    Also feels like it’s trying a little too hard, like within the first 5 minutes of the game you got a lady grinding her pelvis into a guy, someone explodes into blood, and everybody just keeps screaming “fuck”.

  • Bah. False dichotomy. Don’t need an adult rating and adult scenes to have mature and intense material. (Please refer to many pixar movies.) For that matter, ironically, many of the characters and themes in GoT are greedy babies who could grow the fuck up…

    Something like Star Trek OG, TNG, And DS9 is a show featuring INTENSLY more mature themes and characters. And they rarely approach a PG13 rating as far as I know.

    And gore for the sake of gore is just a HUGE let down for me.

    I can’t wait for the game. I don’t care about the rating or anything. If the game and story are good then I will be the judge of that in a few more days.

  • FF has always been mature with content for adults.
    The stories have always dealt with death, loss, war, politics, and other complex themes. IX had one of the most “childish” styles to it, yet it’s story deals with all the themes listed above better then any of the others. VII, VIII, and X all do the same.

    Just because there wasn’t blood everywhere, endless f-bombs, and sex doesn’t mean it was some kiddie franchise. “Mature and geared towards adults” shouldn’t just mean what 12 year olds think adults like. Yes XVI seems more realistic and gritty, but it doesn’t mean it will somehow cover all the themes better then the other games.

  • There’s a lot more than blood that earns FF16 it’s M rating. Just the prologue alone had some alarmingly horrific moments. I can only imagine what fucked up things await later on.

    Random side note but I do greatly appreciate the pause lore feature during cutscenes. It’s already one of my favorite QOL features I’ve ever seen in a game.

  • It doesn’t really make a difference for me. Final Fantasy stories have always dealt with mature themes like suicide, murder, genocide, slavery, etc. More blood and guts and sex don’t make a story any better. If you enjoy those additions, that’s great, and it doesn’t impact me. I loved the demo, and will be buying the game.

  • From the ESRB site.

    “The game contains some sexual material: a character caressing and straddling a man in bed; references to prostitution—sexual moaning sounds in a brothel; dialogue such as, “I’d be happy to show you…provided I can afford it” and “…thank you for your service. My chamber is just upstairs.” Some characters are depicted with partially exposed breasts and buttocks.”

    Game of thr year

  • I also pined for the days of turn based Final Fantasy combat, and was worried the combat wouldn’t feel good until I played the demo.

    DAMN that was an awesome experience. Immediately preordered the special edition.

  • I didn’t enjoy Final Fantasy 15, and I can’t really explain exactly why, to be honest, so as you can imagine, I had not given much thought to final fantasy 16. Heck, i’m really not that big of a final fantasy fan to begin with, although I’ve played a few games in the past for it. With that being said, I decided to give the 16 demo a try, and everything about this game just felt so well put together that I just HAD to pre-order. This game is going to be a solid experience for anyone, regardless if you’re a fan of the series or not.

  • I haven’t seen much footage from the game so went into the demo with fresh eyes and in the intro when they start cutting throats I was almost shocked…and I fucking loved it. A grear demo to set the scene for what seems to be an amazing adventure. Possibly one of the best entries in the series?

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