Holy blast from the past… I bought this album in high school. Used to put it on, lay back, get high, and feel very deep and philosophical, as only teenagers can.
Any fans of Deep Forest here? Hip hop Pygmy songs and others It was popular around the time this came out. There was also a guy named Ottmar Leibert that did a blend of New Age Flamingo music too.
I may or may not have smoked waaaay too much hippie lettuce in my dorm room and “chilled” (i.e. so high i was unable to move) to Enigma.
Ahhh..the 90’s. 😅
Love early “New Age” stuff, heavily influential precursor to stuff like electronica, ambient, downtempo, chill, etc. A lot of it still holds up to this day
This entire album had a short-lived run of popularity during kinky play parties in the ’90s.
Holy blast from the past… I bought this album in high school. Used to put it on, lay back, get high, and feel very deep and philosophical, as only teenagers can.
Good times.
I liked driving on the highway to this song. I got it from limewire and put it on a driving mix CD I made
What we need next is Adiemus – Adiemus
Satan’s Alley trailer before Tropic Thunder lol.
Enigma was so good!!!
I loved this album then. I still think it has merit now. ok it was never Pink Floyd but it bought joy. Shit music just fades away without trace…
Any fans of Deep Forest here? Hip hop Pygmy songs and others It was popular around the time this came out. There was also a guy named Ottmar Leibert that did a blend of New Age Flamingo music too.
Sade dis-moi
Pure Moods
Curly MC was my favorite artist for about 10 years. Lots of good stuff there.
So many virginities lost to this and Sade…
Beautiful song!
Everytime I hear this song, all I think of is Satans Alley.
My friends use to call this porn music.
I may or may not have smoked waaaay too much hippie lettuce in my dorm room and “chilled” (i.e. so high i was unable to move) to Enigma.
Ahhh..the 90’s. 😅
I hate that whenever I hear this I think about It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia 😂
Like Enigma. I have all their albums. I like to listen to them while I’m reading.
Love early “New Age” stuff, heavily influential precursor to stuff like electronica, ambient, downtempo, chill, etc. A lot of it still holds up to this day
It was the first time and only time any artist used the beautiful and timeless medieval Gregorian Chants in a contemporary song.
Something incredibly seductive about their first to albums.
Great background music for lots of things…
Pure Moods
This was probably used in a lot of Skinemax movies.
Was literally thinking about this song a few days ago and started listening to them on Spotify
Oh the debauchery that happened while listening to their music. This was the go to.
Whole album is decent. Needles to mention that 80-90 music/movies are the best
Was this in “tropic thunder”?
Stupid or maybe selfishness
Instantly thought of Dave Chappelle
Jo, brings back memories 🤣🎶
Wow. I haven’t heard this in forever.
I used to dance to this at the under 21 club! I have it on my current playlist on Spotify! Lol