George Carlin being arrested for violating obscenity laws by performing ‘Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television’ in 1972.
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George Carlin being arrested for violating obscenity laws by performing ‘Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television’ in 1972.
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The cops look somewhat fucked up
wow they weren’t lying. fair play for keeping to their word 😆
It’s hard to imagine arresting someone just for saying swear words. Like, people use jaywalking as the go-to example of an absolute nonsense crime that is not worth wasting time enforcing. “He said a naughty word” seems far less consequential. At least with jaywalking you could have theoretically been hit by a car or something. So there is at least a hypothetical physical impact on the world.
This is basically like charging someone with witchcraft. Like they spoke the magic Forbidden syllables and somehow that’s going to cause some kind of destruction.
Ah the “good old days” when we were as stupid as we are now we were just able to be more expressive our abilities to ignore reality and arrest people for nothing. 😋
He was a comedic genius.
In Milwaukee, of course