1.That is not a plastic bag
2.It’s the woman’s leg holding that basket, by pressing it against the stall.
3. What a beautiful photo! I bet those veggies tested better then than now. Sustainability over comfort. Beautiful mom!!
1. The baby obviously. Look at those guns ooof.
2. Precariously balancing the basket with a knee.
3. Casually browsing some pepper.
That’s one badass woman
I didn’t even see the baby before I loved the photo but that is the cherry on top
Maaaaa! More tomatoes!
Don’t know about you guys but I’m glad they eventually outlawed the over the counter sale of babies.
That arm
A few thoughts;
1. They don’t make grocery bags that strong anymore.
2. Does this baby have teeth already?
3. How is the basket just sitting in mid air?
But mostly, fantastic photography!
quite the photograph really
I wonder if she brought the bag with her or did they give her the bag when she bought the baby?
Is that Princess Diana!
I feel like her and the woman who kept her child caged inside an upside-down trashcan to do crochet in the park would make best of friends
Baby got bag.
1.That is not a plastic bag
2.It’s the woman’s leg holding that basket, by pressing it against the stall.
3. What a beautiful photo! I bet those veggies tested better then than now. Sustainability over comfort. Beautiful mom!!
Sorry ma’am, we don’t accept returns.
Princess Diana vibes.
Also: I’m sure the baby is happy and well, but this image is discomforting!
They don’t make them like that anymore. Plastic bags that is.
Looks like that kid is Hungary
1. The baby obviously. Look at those guns ooof.
2. Precariously balancing the basket with a knee.
3. Casually browsing some pepper.
That’s one badass woman
The good ol days when you could get fresh babies at market
Ah, the Hungarian Female. The country’s secret weapon.
I wouldn’t arm wrestle that mom!
Gulash tonight?
when I first glanced, I thought it was Princess Di, then I saw the common house dress and kid lol
The mother daughter recreated this picture and the mother was still very focused on the vegetables. It was back in 2019 I recall
Man, that must be a good apple / tomato / peach , whatever it is…
I thought this was Lady Di at first
I just want to know what that bag is made of!
There is a follow up photo. Where is a follow up photo?
That Eastern European woman strength.
See dudes in the gym who would probably grimace and whine if they had to engage their triceps like that.
Gotta say, it’s refreshing that nobody here starting bitching about the baby.
Also, what a monster leek!
Back when grocery sacks wouldn’t break with a small bunch of bananas.
Did a double take. Looks like princess Diana with William in a bag.
Great photo 👍
I thought that was Princess Diana for a minute.
Come to think of it my mom & Aunts did have strong forearms
Her strong arms kinda do it for me.
Legend has it that this bag went on to kill numerous sea animals
Crazy that you could go to buy vegetables and also buy a baby 🤯🤯
mum is stunning
Princess Diana was tired of Williams shit
Pedro Pascal busted time traveling
Looked like Princess Diana at first.
Anyone else think this was Princess Diana until they glanced down at the baby in the bag? Just me?