This is a “cow bird”. They lay their eggs in other birds nests, often robins, and leave them for the other bird to hatch and rear the chick. The chicks are larger and more demanding than their songbird counterparts and often take the majority of the food that the parents can provide, leading to the eventual starvation of some or all of the other chicks. Long story short, they are parasitic and ugly.
Dude has ugly feet
This is a “cow bird”. They lay their eggs in other birds nests, often robins, and leave them for the other bird to hatch and rear the chick. The chicks are larger and more demanding than their songbird counterparts and often take the majority of the food that the parents can provide, leading to the eventual starvation of some or all of the other chicks. Long story short, they are parasitic and ugly.
All I see is a cowbird eating seeds.