Snoop Dogg reacting to me ruining his song
Snoop Dogg reacting to me ruining his song
by u/dustin1776 in funny
View Reddit by dustin1776 – View Source
Snoop Dogg reacting to me ruining his song
Snoop Dogg reacting to me ruining his song
by u/dustin1776 in funny
View Reddit by dustin1776 – View Source
Thanks. I didn’t know I needed this. Have my upvote.
He started digging it in the end
The coolest guy on the planet.
The confused look on his face on the still image is hilarious
I mean it works. That’s the surprising part. 🤣
Tune un-stoned him, and that’s hard to do!
Been following your channel for a long while. Great stuff. My personal favorite is the Helena polka video.
Happy cake day
About to get calls from Snoop’s team asking you to work with him.
The initial reaction.
Seemed like he was questioning what stuff inhaled before hearing this.
Didn’t snoop start doing children songs?
Sounds like a weird drug induced opening to an old family sitcom. I’m expecting uncle Jed to show his face any second. Absolutely love it
Who knew that Gin and Juice are the Bare Necessities.
Thats awesome! I love how he still knows the lyrics!
where did you ruin it?
Mature content to all ages real quick
Love seeing him rocking an Ottawa Senators jersey
Guarantee he listened to it several more times.
Snoop is my hero. The music is 👌🏻
It’s like watching Chuck Berry hearing Yoko Ono at the start.
Now I want Snoop Dogg to score a Disney movie.
Idk man this sounded like a fun New Orleans song that you play at Mardi Gras.
For those who have not heard the Gourds cover of Gin and Juice https://youtu.be/XcvqtX0cVwA
Why can’t I find the full version of this anywhere??
Love his Sens jersey
He’s trying to figure out if he’s high or not.. he’s probably like , “did I just toke?”
I have followed your career since day one and the slide whistle never ceases to brighten my day
I don’t know what it is about Snoop Dogg but I have always found him SO charismatic and likeable! Loved seeing his reaction to this! He seems like a really good sport & like he thought WTF is this? But that he took it well.
He looks confused as to why he loves it! Genius idea
This was made by “there, I ruined it” he puts that signature whistle in his songs that he “ruins”, he has a YouTube and TikTok channel so if you like stuff like this, go and give him a visit.
Snoop is such a gem.
Pro tip, if Snoop starts singing along you ain’t ruined shit.
There is no way I could have forseen Snoop Dog becoming this beloved elder statesman of popular culture when he first came out.
But he really has!
I’m white enough that this sounds pretty good to me
Snoopy is a good guy,
To be fair, he probably got a good kick out of this.
Honestly I’m not one for celebrities and shit, but if I could sit on a porch and smoke a doob with a celebrity of choice, Snoop is right up there. Keanu would be next.