Erykah Badu plays an Aztec death whistle (with Marc Rebillet and Reggie Watts)
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Erykah Badu plays an Aztec death whistle (with Marc Rebillet and Reggie Watts)
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I can dig it
This was sick, all it was missing was Flying Lotus.
They need to play some Skynyrd on one of those bad boys. And that’s what’s up.
This was fantastic I love it.
It’s so incredible to me that Marc can hear that horrible noise and think there’s something to it and then they all create. So interesting how the human brain can react and create so differently across individuals.
Yo hardest hippies ever I swear
I’m so happy these people found each other. Three unique creatures coming together to make something great like a banana, peanut butter, and bacon sandwich.
Reggie Watts has great lung capacity, considering all the weed I have to assume he smokes
The entire Jam Session is pure creative magic. Things REALLY get crazy at around [34:26](https://youtu.be/AtR1yVmCCvw?t=2066).
This is definitely more enjoyable than his set at Lollapalooza/Coachella, whatever was posted last month.
Every Sunday me and the missus open our windows and stream Marc. He’s killing it outside with people in NY, we’re chilling inside our Amsterdam home and for an hour or so the world feels really small and wholesome. Good times.
Is this the set of that 70’s show?
i hate the robe
This is what we were supposed to do. This was supposed to be enough. Just making noise and movement and telling tales. That should’ve been enough to sustain us.