After watching lots of these “just for laughs” pranks, i’ve learned an important lesson.
If something vaguely unusual happens, and then some guys randomly need to carry a mirror / plywood / something else big that obscures your view, you’re definitely on camera. It’s like half of the gags they do.
I hope I never get pranked like this. I think my reaction to something scary like that would be to stomp or kick. And after about a millisecond I’ll realize it’s a prank and not a demon head but by then the damage will be done 🙁
I wonder if any kicked her head.
My first instinct would be to kick it away
She should quit while she’s ahead
The show that requires strangers to go out of their way to be nice for the jokes to work.
[Me when I see a head on the ground scream at me](
After watching lots of these “just for laughs” pranks, i’ve learned an important lesson.
If something vaguely unusual happens, and then some guys randomly need to carry a mirror / plywood / something else big that obscures your view, you’re definitely on camera. It’s like half of the gags they do.
Oh my god this brings back core memories of me watching hours of these compilations….I totally forgot they existed
I would’ve been so much more terrified
I’d be too scared of getting kicked in the face lol
I do really really hate the background music and laugh tracks with these videos
The chances that someone would kick her in the face is so high that I cannot believe this was not staged.
Everybody like what if she gets kicked in the head but all I can think is that some day they’re going to give someone a heart attack
I like to see the part where they point out the cameras and the people smile.
I’m just waiting for a nude Eric Andre to jump outta nowhere with a half eaten dead cat…
Why do I think this lady is at risk of getting her neck broken.
This has to be staged. There’s absolutely no way that this actually happens and at least one person doesn’t give the head a kick.
I’m not saying everyone has to, but only 1 person out of the 10-20 people you prank has to do it for the actor to be potentially horrendously injured.
It’s all fun and games until someone decides to play kickball.
Great way to get killed.
A reminder that if you’re ever in Montreal, never trust men carry a big piece plywood.
This is like heart attack material…. How did she not get kicked in the face
All these older people.. lucky nobody had a heart attack on their watch.
Waiting for someone to just give it a swift kick.
Looks like a pretty good way to get your neck accidentally snapped
I hope I never get pranked like this. I think my reaction to something scary like that would be to stomp or kick. And after about a millisecond I’ll realize it’s a prank and not a demon head but by then the damage will be done 🙁
Balls of steel. Agreeing to be the head.
she almost got kicked in the fucking face
My teenage son would absolutely try to kick this like a soccer ball…
Excellent way to get a neck injury.
“i had a supernatural experience”
It’s all fun and games until some little shit comes along to punt the head
Ah yes, one of those videos that plays the screen twice every time as if that makes it funnier.
It’s a good prank made worse by horrible editing…
It’s all fun and games until someone’s knee jerk reaction is to kick you in the head.
The moral of the story is, never trust anyone carrying plywood in Quebec
I would totally kick it as hard as I could if I thought it was a fake head
Aside from the socialized health care, these vignettes are the best thing about Canada