My favorite thing is about John Wayne is that John ford would bully the shit outta him for not serving during world war 2 but played Marine at home.
John was also booed off stage by Marines when he went to visit them on an USO show because there were men as old or older than him who were actual Marines.
But, glad your grandfather made it home from Vietnam!
That WWII’s biggest draft dodger could become the face of the U.S. military speaks volumes about the national mindset. Add to that the racism and sexism and you’ve got one garbage human being.
This is such good bait. As you can see, the average redditor is outraged and, in a form of mimicry, begin parroting the same talking points ad nauseum to signify that they know what’s what.
First, very cool that your Grandad has a story, a photo like this. John Wayne was the biggest movie star in the world for many years, so this must have been a great experience.
Second, it’s so juvenile that so many people use every single opportunity to regurgitate the same drivel about John Wayne that has been said over, and over, and over again. WE get it…racism bad, sexism bad. Move on.
I was forced to watch “The Sands of Iwo Jima” almost every night of bootcamp. I love the Corps but abhor this movie and John Wayne. He thought, as does Trump, that volunteering was for chumps. Fuck them both.
John Wayne a true American hero who never fought in any war that ever existed during his lifetime and yet had the audacity to call anybody who was against war a filthy communist and tride they have them blacklisted from Hollywood.
Keep fighting boys! I know I weaseled out WWII, but you get out there! Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a woman to hit!
“Is that you John Wayne?”
John Wayne was a phony tough-guy cowboy onscreen who was really just a character actor with a penchant for being a white supremacist.
Dude’s a bum
“There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.”
Old School Piece of Shit.
There is absolutely nothing cool about John Wayne.
Looks like mr Wayne pregamed before the get pic
I’m surprised ya’ll could get that coward anywhere near an active war zone.
Fuckin’ chickenhawk racist.
many slurs were said that day..
fuck john wayne
My favorite thing is about John Wayne is that John ford would bully the shit outta him for not serving during world war 2 but played Marine at home.
John was also booed off stage by Marines when he went to visit them on an USO show because there were men as old or older than him who were actual Marines.
But, glad your grandfather made it home from Vietnam!
Wayne looks sloshed.
5 heroes and John Wayne
Cool pic. Rare to see John Wayne without his toupee
>My granddad in Vietnam ~~getting~~ **with a** drunk ~~with~~ John Wayne – 1966
Cowardly John Wayne avoided military service in WW2. He did not deserve to be with real men.
Bored on a Zoom so made some minor tweaks to fix it up. I’m sure a pro could do better.
Stolen Valor Wayne doin his thing
Chuck D said it best
That WWII’s biggest draft dodger could become the face of the U.S. military speaks volumes about the national mindset. Add to that the racism and sexism and you’ve got one garbage human being.
Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
This is such good bait. As you can see, the average redditor is outraged and, in a form of mimicry, begin parroting the same talking points ad nauseum to signify that they know what’s what.
I know a guy who used to live next door to John Wayne. He would wake up to find him passed out drunk in his front yard holding tight onto a tree 😅
*Insert John Wayne hate comment
Good times make weak men, weak men make bad times.
Hmm, I’m pretty sure that’s Red Forman.
Everybody got drunk with John Wayne, lol. He was rarely sober.
First, very cool that your Grandad has a story, a photo like this. John Wayne was the biggest movie star in the world for many years, so this must have been a great experience.
Second, it’s so juvenile that so many people use every single opportunity to regurgitate the same drivel about John Wayne that has been said over, and over, and over again. WE get it…racism bad, sexism bad. Move on.
I was forced to watch “The Sands of Iwo Jima” almost every night of bootcamp. I love the Corps but abhor this movie and John Wayne. He thought, as does Trump, that volunteering was for chumps. Fuck them both.
Did the AI do a decent job at the faces?
Really cool photo, I need to go through some of my father’s Vietnam photos and preserve them.
I’m always struck by how young the soldiers are in war photos. These guys are just kids.
Yo this is crazy. My grandpa was his helicopter pilot while he was over in Vietnam, probably same timeframe!
Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrims!
that is pretty cool (regardless of the politics in the thread)! And damn Big John was big.
John Wayne a true American hero who never fought in any war that ever existed during his lifetime and yet had the audacity to call anybody who was against war a filthy communist and tride they have them blacklisted from Hollywood.
A true American hero.
Now THAT is a picture!! Way, way cool!
Put this on r/estoration to get it sharpened up.
Super cool pic!
My Mom met John Wayne once. She wanted his autograph but the only paper she had was her birth certificate. You bet your ass she has him sign it!
Wasn’t John Wayne too old for the draft during WW2? Probably smoked a ton and would probably have DT’S in basic training.
Oh wow, great memory captured
I think I have a photo of my grandpa with John Wayne somewhere, also in Veitnam
Wow , so neat!!!!
I was less than a year old then
Now this might be the coolest old skool cool I’ve seen. Seriously this is badass 🙂
Guy on the far right has seen some shit.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?