Reason I ask is because I would need to mod the pc version to work with a controller. I would also need to mod it to get higher resolution (I don’t think it goes over 720/1080p, haven’t played the pc version in a while)
And my pcs in the game room. Not my bedroom, and I like gaming laying down on my bed in front of my tv.
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If you want to play with controller play the Xbox version. PC never had controller as an option and to this day is horrible to play unless you KB+M it, no matter what anyone tells you no mod will ever truly replicate the controls of the Xbox version either. As for the resolution on pc, I’ve never found the mod for it to be stable either so Xbox all the way if you ask me.
Dude, I love that game 6-10
Just a PSA, the iPhone version is surprisingly competent. It does suck battery, but of course it does. Highly recommend.
Go with Xbox for proper controller support and playing in front of the TV.
Could get it for the switch 🤔
Play it on PC and follow one of the quality-of-life mod guides in r/kotor/
Just play it
PC version has a space station vendor with premium items, Xbox does not.
I would say PC and while you’re modding it, look for some big bug fix mods.