A life observation about your terrible memory…
A life observation about your terrible memory…
by u/sirdanm in funny
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A life observation about your terrible memory…
A life observation about your terrible memory…
by u/sirdanm in funny
View Reddit by sirdanm – View Source
Deodorant and spare shirt in bottom left desk drawer. Critical office supplies.
About to leave for work myself, note to self… put on deodorant
What did I come in here for?
Why finish a thought when I can start a brand new, exciting, new one!?
Why? We were told knowledge is power! Is this some kind of sick joke? Oh no wait, I forgot what I was talking about.
Is that Abed?
I feel seen by every one of those lapses!
Not a lie in this clip.
I misplace my phone in the house everyday.
Have to embarrassingly ask my wife if I can use her phone to call it, knowing damn well that the ringer is off and it’s on vibrate only. I call it and can’t hear shit because it’s quiet as fuck to start with and there’s always something making noise around me.
kids are like, “what’s going on?”.
I say, “looking for my phone… shhh”
Kids: “where’d you put it last?
Me: “I said shhh, that means don’t make a sound”
Everyone gets quiet and is listening…. dog is following us around and even the tip tap of her claws on the wood floor makes me want to rip my hair outbecause I need primordial quiet…
Me to the kids: “and besides if I knew where I put it last, I wouldn’t be looking for it!”
Same drill over and over at my house
His halftime rap reminded me of Kendall Roy rapping in the car…
Where is this from?