This is the weirdest gender slider I’ve ever seen
This is the weirdest gender slider I’ve ever seen
by u/FalseChoose in funny
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This is the weirdest gender slider I’ve ever seen
This is the weirdest gender slider I’ve ever seen
by u/FalseChoose in funny
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100% accurate
Male <——> Ancient Aliens
Everyone knows all females are white and all males are sunburnt.
Looks like the monster from “It”
What game is this?
It seems you haven’t been in r/Programmerhumor
Modern games calling it “type1” and “type2” for inclusion, when you could be 60% male and 40% female for years
Demon souls and dark souls were translated from Japanese so personally I assumed that maybe this is just a bad translation, or that perhaps it’s a cultural difference. Like their culture finds these types of faces more masculine or feminine.
This is just my brain’s attempt to make any sense of it. It would be funny to find out that Japanese audiences are just as confused as I am about it.
“Hey Tom, we saw the gender slider that you created for our game…”
“What do you think?”
“We think we’re going to have to call the FBI.”
I think the idea is that in the past men would be out toiling the fields/doing outdoors stuff while a woman would be more likely to be indoors (for a highborn/noble family) so her skin would be far more pale/fair. At least I assume that’s what they’re going for.
It goes from brown man to giant white baby
It looks like the stages of Bruce Willis having an allergic reaction to a bee sting.
The choice is sunburnt man or pale anime eyes baby, I don’t make the rules.
Everyone knows there are only 2 genders… man and baby. Wait that’s not right.
“The Gender Slider”. Damn, white castle really is progressive.
Oh demons souls, never change
Jean Mcclaine
Really takes “Gender is a Spectrum” to heart, they really do.
I actually feel like that’s a fair way to represent the scale of testosterone and estrogen impact to the human body. It’s funny looking, but sort of amazing how the sliding scale does somewhat accurately represent the differences between males and females.
Androgeny slider?
I thought it was McClane for a second lol
Turns out there are actually [0-99] $GENDERS
I’m sorry, did that fucking add weight as you slidto the female side?? 😂😂😂😂 Tf
Hey at least From Software knows gender is a spectrum
1000 iq move, infinite gender slider. Everyone included, nobody offended.
Whoever the character is its got a resemblance to Die Hard Bruce Willis.
She still has male pattern baldness.
Whats your gender?
Masculine male to feminine male.
Finally I can choose how manly I want my character as
For those who don’t know, this is dark souls femine/masculine slider, not the gender select
Thanks. Can’t stop laughing now. LOL