Full Moon framed inside Paris’ Arc de Triomphe by photographer Stefano Zanarello
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Full Moon framed inside Paris’ Arc de Triomphe by photographer Stefano Zanarello
View Reddit by Khaleeasi24 – View Source
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This is a great pic but the cars really kinda ruin it.
This is a great pic but I agree with the other commenter that cars should be removed w photos hope or another app.
Moon looks a little too big doesn’t it?
In line with the first three “meh” commenters “it’s not centred … is it?”
I think it’s awesome if it’s real and wonder if the architect knew of this natural effect.
The french could never manage something so sophisticated; it must be Aliens!
If you are going to make the moon bigger than it actually is might as well remove the cars as well
Squall about to get iced
In other news; Coastal sites around the world are devastated by tidal shifts due to a bizarre lunar anomaly.
[Here](https://i.redd.it/gkoa79o5ytwa1.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. Stefano Zanarello posted this to their IG account (stefano.zanarello) on April 15.
According to NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day from [April 26, 2023](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230426.html):
> Was this a lucky shot? Although many amazing photographs are taken by someone who just happened to be in the right place at the right time, this image took skill and careful planning. First was the angular scale: if you shoot too close to the famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France, the full moon will appear too small. Conversely, if you shoot from too far away, the moon will appear too large and not fit inside the Arc. Second is timing: the Moon only appears centered inside the Arc for small periods of time — from this distance less than a minute. Other planned features include lighting, relative brightness, height, capturing a good foreground, and digital processing. And yes, there is some luck involved — for example, the sky must be clear. This time, the planning was successful, bringing two of humanity’s most famous icons photographically together for all to enjoy.
Cool pic but not a full moon.
That’s very big lol and very beautiful
For those asking about the framing/distance, this image was most likely shot from here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@48.8770901,2.2843339,3a,75y,133.46h,94.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7xuhH8D0uT11JRry0JXFJQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@48.8770901,2.2843339,3a,75y,133.46h,94.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7xuhH8D0uT11JRry0JXFJQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) , which shows how far back he was when he took the image.
I only know that building from FF8.
Op is trolling.
Very nice
[I feel like I Improved on it](https://imgur.com/Bwu9C8M)
Looks fake to me
My favourite part of this image is the silhouette of the person on top of the Arc.
This would be brilliant without the cars.
But that can be said about pretty much every situation with cars.
At this point an amplified beam of moonlight strikes the Luxor Obelisk. The earth begins to shake, and a seemingly bottomless fissure opens from the Place de la Concorde to the Pantheon, stopping the flow of the Seine. The lid of a sarcophagus cracks open with the murmurs of 600,000 reanimated warriors climbing from the wound in the earth, as the true Emperor of the French returns from his long exile to rule once more.