April 26, 2023 by MessyCause341 Muhammad Ali letting a young fan win a fight, 1963. [ad_2] View Reddit by MessyCause341 – View Source
The word legend gets thrown around a lot but Ali really fits the description. April 26, 2023 at 9:21 am Reply
Tyson would most likely just KO the little guy in the first seconds of the first round April 26, 2023 at 1:16 pm Reply
Ali was so cool on many levels.
The word legend gets thrown around a lot but Ali really fits the description.
Tyson would most likely just KO the little guy in the first seconds of the first round
Repost Number XXX
His momma call him Clay imma call him Clay
No, I’m pretty sure the kid actually won
Loved Ali. Always had time for the white kids too.