The first time I saw this I missed the initial jerk off motion. So when the slow jerk came I was VERY confused and it made it 100x weirder and funnier for me.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Coming to your town.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Do you wanna get down.
You never finish! I’m telling the boss!
Rip Trevor 😇
You never make them touch!
I miss him.
No, thats certainly not the way you post wkuk skits on reddit.
A little inappropriate in the office, but at least he didn’t grape the other guy.
“You never make them touch man!”
Who thinks I can jump down these stairs and land in my side
The first time I saw this I missed the initial jerk off motion. So when the slow jerk came I was VERY confused and it made it 100x weirder and funnier for me.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
I can’t believe I missed this show when it was around. What channel or site was it on?
I’ve always wanted to search for this clip but I don’t wanna google it
The whitest kids you know are seriously some of the funniest skit comedy I’ve ever see. Hey what ya got there. Oh this, just some PCP.
A gallon?
Best sketch, right up with there with the Rip your dick off.
RIP Trevor.
The delivery of “Don’t finish!! you never finish!” has strong Dennis from Always sunny vibes.
I’m going to grape you in the mouth!!
This got me into wkuk!
RIP Trevor
The good ol’ slow jerk. Classic.
Wtf, that’s hilarious.
I’ve been hearing about these guys for ages, but never watch one of the videos
That got a legit lol from me.
Thanks wkyk. RIP Trevor.
This was my into to TWKYK, 10/10 would recommend
This salad tastes exactly like pussy.
Oldy but goody
I lost it when he said “you never make them touch” with such experience behind that statement
That shit was TV-14???
I still can’t believe that guy actually died sucking his own dick.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Coming to your town.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Sex robot, sex robot. Sex robot, sex robot.
Do you wanna get down.
Oldie but Goldie.
These skits used to be ruthless
this is the first wkuk skit I ever saw, about 10 years ago. All of its on youtube, gave me and my friends years of laughs. thank you wkuk.
I miss that local sexpot.
A gallon!? I didn’t know that came as a liquid.
Zach directed a successful horror film last year called BARBARIAN, it’s bat shit fun! Check it out!
[I’m not finished ](