Sunday, February 23All That Matters

Biden & the Border: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


  • Some good points but some enormous glaring information left out.

    Yes, Biden needs to do better on the border. But Oliver completely.missed that immigration is a massive wedge issue and that Americans are quite split. He also ignores that Florida and Texas are willing to weaponize immigrants.

    That makes it very hard for Biden to decisively take action here.

  • I noticed that, at the end of the episode, John Oliver didn’t say when they’d be back, like he normally does. Probably has something to do with the looming writers’ strike.

  • You’re right, let’s keep flinging shit at the other party while the largest mass movement of people in human history continues undisturbed on our southern border

  • Just deport them no questions asked, this would encourage less to come, thus less problems at the border.

    If you want to come to the US, use legal means.

  • illegal immigrants is just another way Americans keep themselves poor. Having a large group of people they can under pay, keeps wages low for everyone.

    This is how money works. You pay the least for jobs that have to be done. If that job can be done for less than legaly required, you make the rest beg for minimum wage.

    There is money in keeping the border broken, but not for you. It doesn’t make it safer, it hasn’t stopped any crime. It puts money into rich peoples hands. You live in fear so that the 1% can make a buck.

  • Ukrainians are fleeing from a well documented war. They are refugees per our immigration law. The people coming from South America, they need their lives are in danger. It’s harder to show when your country is not actively being invaded.

    I’m not saying those people from South America aren’t fleeing for their lives, but as to why Ukrainians are getting in quicker? This is why. It’s not so black and white and as “white people vs South American people.

  • So I haven’t watched a John Oliver segment in forever, but I’ve heard a lot about the coming end of Title 42 so decided to give this a watch. In my opinion if there was a supercut where all of Oliver’s jokes were cut out and it was just him straight telling the news I think I would genuinely watch it each week.


    Obviously there is a slant to everything, but he brings a lot of strong evidence backing for everything he says. But the Family Guy style jokes of ‘immigration immigration PANERA BREAD IN A DESERT immigration immigration’ still doesn’t work for me.


    Its a weird situation where I’d rather hear a comedian talk about the news than make jokes, not only because I find his jokes bad but more so because I think he does the news exceptionally well.

  • An app that rejects inadvertently dark skinned people is peak dem centrism

    Edit: Whats with the downvotes? Are we forgetting how hard dem centrism loves technocracy? Does nobody remember the everyone should code pushes they made? Uber/FB/Google execs and Musk were getting invited to the White House a lot during the Obama administration

  • It’s such a stupid issue because we are just causing problems unnecessarily and shooting ourselves in the foot while causing needless human suffering. Immigration is good for the country and great for the economy. Just let people in. It’s worth it.

  • Reminder: Anyone upset that the Undocumented are coming to America should ask who’s hiring them, because it isn’t other poor immigrant Mexicans and Latinos

    If the GOP and so called conservatives REALLY CARED, they’d jail all the HR people and owners who keep hiring the undocumented, there are numerous means of checking if someone is able to work, like E Verify.

    The vast majority of businesses that hire the undocumented will be White MAGA types that rail about the border, but like to pay minimum wage since they can’t legally have slavery.

    Reactionary Republicans are even relaxing child labor laws in Arkansas, right wing policies don’t care about the average worker

  • I consider myself a right wing libertarian and one thing I disagree with some of the more traditional GOP on is immigration. Personally I think legal immigration and adding hard working talent is good for a country and I think it should be encouraged. However, I think the emphasis is on legal. You can’t just give illegal immigrants a “you don’t pay taxes, however you get no services” deal because everyone still wants to save their life if they go to the emergency room or have a fire, and illegal immigrants kids to have public school access. So ultimately you should have to pay taxes or else you’re stealing these services. Furthermore I think if there was less illegal immigrants they would let in more legal ones, so an illegal is kind of taking someone’s spot of a person willing to do it the right way. Stopping the illegals coming in also takes a lot of money and effort that could be used in better ways. So while I think legal immigrants are great and it should be expanded if anything, I think the Us should come down hard on the illegal kind enough to disincentivize more trying

  • People complain a lot about immigration around the world but it is such a hot button topic that most governments rarely want to make serious immigration reform in fear of losing votes.

    We either get dog whistle anti-immigation type rhetoric or some half hearted policy that doesn’t really tackle the actual issues around asylum and immigration.

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