Number one for males is simple enough, but no matter how I picture how to use it, it will only end in disgusting disaster if anyone needs to sit down on that toilet. Don’t forget, it’s a public toilet and a galaxy far far away ain’t that advance enough to answer how often that thing gets cleaned.
Before you even mention it, squatting is off the table in terms of ideas.
I’m annoyed I couldn’t get into the first game, it seemed great but the controls were a bit sloppy and non-responsive, has this improved since, or in the second game?
you slouch on it like a low back sofa, the top part washes your sweaty back crack and sack, the bottom part extracts your fluids and solids.
never you mind the anal and urethral probes with sharp spinny blades.
Designed for human and alien butts
Gender neutral
I feel like I’ve seen this in Scorn
Do not forget to use the 3 shells
It’s a suction toilet. Why they have that *and* artificial gravity? Maybe in case the gravity fails.
Where do the three seashells go?
Basically a “1 Toilet Fits All” since you’re dealing with Different Species.
Looks like a bathroom
I do not have answers
Poo on top, piss at the bottom & vomit on the side with a handle.
Put your face in that big hole on the top.
Are you pee pee or poopy
now thats a throne
That’s what toilets actually look like in Star Wars.
One can be seen towards the start of S1 E1 of The Mandalorian.
OMG a new alien race.
Probeulator 1.0
It’s for everyone
You ever seen a hutt take a shit!
One of those fancy Japanese toilets
so like…you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie then? you know humans are the least prominent species in those movies, right?
Cleaner that the one I used at McD’s today.
There is also a rock in it
Thinking of that scene with Austin ejecting Mini Me into space lol
Ha! He doesn’t know how to use the 3 sea shells.
Should be here sea shells on a shelf in there somewhere
“He doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!”
Demolition Man
Cal got a nice cut
The design is very human
it’s for all aliens,including:
it’s just for people with paginas
Finally! We can do a number 3 in comfort!!!
Seriously though, this made me think too much about how the fuck a Wookie manages to go to the toilet.
Gotta skill proj speed on this one
How does a human use this?!
Number one for males is simple enough, but no matter how I picture how to use it, it will only end in disgusting disaster if anyone needs to sit down on that toilet. Don’t forget, it’s a public toilet and a galaxy far far away ain’t that advance enough to answer how often that thing gets cleaned.
Before you even mention it, squatting is off the table in terms of ideas.
I’m annoyed I couldn’t get into the first game, it seemed great but the controls were a bit sloppy and non-responsive, has this improved since, or in the second game?
Hey, it’s handicapped and alt-life form accessible. What else could you ask for?
It’s been one day. Can we not post this shit yet? (Pun intended)
“How do you don’t know how to use the three shells?”
Wookiepedia boutta get the best wikipage ever when they add this
Pshhh… this guy doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!?
Just use the three sea shells
Looks boring and forgettable. Both the game and this bathroom design.
Let me guess. You don’t know how to use the 3 shells?
Can someone explain the 3 seashells please?!