Arabs flexing on a different level.
Arabs flexing on a different level.
by u/OldEye4578 in funny
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Arabs flexing on a different level.
Arabs flexing on a different level.
by u/OldEye4578 in funny
View Reddit by OldEye4578 – View Source
Lmao. I chuckled.
golddiggers got me
“I’m sweating how cold this is” 🤣
The man’s flex is on *point*.
Ha! A sense of humor is sexy
That’s great 😂😂😂
This guy must have a huge tool.
That car
Will run
(As long as you change the timing belt every 2 years over 100,000km)
“I’m sweating from how cold this is” 💀
I like this guy’s material and I want to see more of it.
I sold my 93 Camry about 15 years ago and I have no doubts that it’s still chugging along somewhere
This is great. Hail your car, dude.
That engine is going to outlast many RRs and pretty much all the Ferraris
My dream car😍😍
The funny thing the flex there isn’t even how much your car costs, but how low a number your license plate is.
Two digits and you’re the real deal.
“Calm down my beast, calm down!”
Lmao I’m definitely adding that line in my mental dictionary.
Translation: power of 3 horses and one glorious Donkey 🙂
“Calm down my beast” lol funny guy
Real talk, I used to live in the Middle East, and in Qatar there are basically 2 cars on the road: Range Rovers and Toyota Camrys. Sure there are other cars, but those two are by far the most common.
“Calm down my beast” fucking lmaoooo
We need more of this man’s content.
One miraculous, amazing hemar….(donkey)
Reminds me of [this hiphop tribute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INvE0P-pHYA#t=2m9s) to Norwegian rapper Magdi’s red Toyota Corolla. He’s half arab, that explains it.
“im sweating on how cold this is” im going to use this
My family’s Camry is an ‘01 and has over 300k miles and still runs just fine. (Family Camry belonged to step dad, passed to me, now my mom uses it as her daily beater) I joke a lot about that car but, when it’s broken down, it’s always a mile from home and never left anyone in my family stranded. Damn good cars if you keep up with them and do routine maintenance.
I assume that’s 0-100 KPH, since I believe Saudi Arabia uses the metric system.
This is what the real game is.
The “bismillah” before he starts it got me.
With the power of 3 horses and one amazing miraculous himar 😂
himar means donkey in arabic
People act like cockroaches are going to survive the apocalypse. Nah, it will be the VX20 Camry that makes it. Just make sure it has oil in it.
I gotta watch out for male gold diggers! I have a 1998 Toyota Corolla. 😉
This guy is awesome!
That Bismillah before turning on the engine! Epic!
Ski dubai lmao
Bahahaha what in name of Antarctica and ski Dubai
Its weird how all these influencers gain likes and admirers from the mainstream because they have expensive stuff/holidays/etc. I feel like the odd one out cos I couldn’t give a flying fuck what someone wears or have in their possessions, in fact it makes them less appealing to me, but it is stuff like dude this that puts a smile on my face.