This is a Komondor, a traditional Hungarian guard dog.
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This is a Komondor, a traditional Hungarian guard dog.
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That dog is not only magnificent and majestic but it also looks like some type of small land dragon.
If Barkley from Sesame Street and a mop had a baby
That’s no dog.
Certainly looks like a Chinese Dragon
Strong Falcor vibes
Zohan leave the chat
…. In their spare time they also mop floors!
Beware the assault mop
Yup… A Hungarian classic
So… why don’t they groom their dogs? That fur must be matted to hell and stuck to their skin.
I would recommend wringing your mop.
Sir, that’s a mop. Please make sure you pay for it at the cashier.
The smell… Komondors and pulis just have a funk that is unlike any other dog smell.
That’s what they make car-washes out of!
Whats it guard against? Showers?
His name is swiffer.
How would you ever get rid of fleas on this baby?
Our neighbour had one and a Tibetan mastiff.
The Komondor smelt so bad. The hair. You pat it and it your hand would smell for hours .
Isn’t this the dog that Zuckerberg has?
So that’s where my mop went after I spilled that drink…
That’s a mop you fools.
Interesting that they call the naturally forming locks “cords”.
Imagine climbing over the fence of some pasture to save some time and then being assaulted by what seems to be a large floor mop with teeth
Puli: Cute, Furry, Beholder.
Komondor: Less cute, Still furry, Eye Tyrant.
Sir, that’s an alien.
That’s a mop… a big running mop
Stan Winston’s Predadog
Its the first time I see that. Uau, what a Big Dog.!
I got a devil’s haircut in my mind
Looks like a magical animal✨
It looks like the dino-rhinos in Super Mario World
Pass the doggy biscuits on the left hand side.
I need to see a doctor – without the sign I thought the man was walking a huge mop
The only thing that dog is hunting is dirt.
Giant Puli
Doggie dreadlocks are probably effective armor against wolf attacks. How is a wolf going to get past all those dreads?
Komondorok are awesome. Almost went extinct after WWII, some estimates of population at the time are in the low double digits.
Dispelling a few misconceptions:
-They don’t smell any worse than any dog if they’re cared for correctly. When you bathe one they take *forever* to dry. You need to ensure every single cord is dry or it will get a mildew smell.
-They aren’t in any discomfort from either the cording or the weight of the fur. While their coats can be very heavy, komondor are incredibly strong dogs that weigh well over 100lb, the fur doesn’t slow them down at all. But, again, you need to groom them correctly, separating the cords as they grow.
-They can see perfectly well, but you *can* cut the cords around their eyes if you want, it won’t hurt them.
-The coats don’t mean they’re miserable in the heat, the cords serve to keep them both warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
-Despite looking like a mop they are very bad at cleaning and will, in fact, bring into your house every single leaf that has fallen in a 5 mile radius.
That’s Falcor
Serious question. When it poops, does it just get stuck to its fur?
rasta dog.
No that’s a dust mop.
imagine its 1456 you just invaded a castle but for some reason your team of knight have yet to return from the mop room. which was a bit straght that a lord had a mop room but then again lords have strange tastes.
then you see nothing but a carpet of mops mow down your conrades as you flee the castle in terror while some monk shits himself trying to draw wtf hes seeing while another is trying to write in the his best latin possible.
they leave no blood stains because they are mop dogs waiting for the next raiding party to enter the castle.
or idk i like writing bullshit.