Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

This really IS an experience!


After buying the wheel, I remembered that in 2020~ I bought the VR dlc for Dirt Rally ’cause it was discount, but never tryed it, so I decided to give it a chance and….wow. That was really impressive for such a limited device as the first VR! Now I’m really looking forward to get the VR2 (when it goes on discount šŸ˜…).


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  • I remember playing on my Rift DK2 and way back in about 2016 and just being blown away by the depth and feel of it. Absolutely incredible even with a super low res VR headset. Must dig it out and play again! Remember.. the slower you go the faster you are!

  • Iā€™m playing a lot of Assetto Corsa (career mode is pretty fun).

    You should try it out, Ultimate edition is sometimes on sale for a few bucks, worth every penny.

    Modding community is huge and the amount of cars out there is endless.

    Tesla? GT3RS? Golf Mk1? Ferrrari F40? Everything

  • In my case the experience was feeling sick from the moment the car started moving, not being able to finish a stage, and having to lie in bed with a headache for a few hours. Never touched a driving game in VR since. I definitely envy you!

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