Ted Lasso — A Conversation with Brett Goldstein and Phil Dunster | Apple TV+
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Ted Lasso — A Conversation with Brett Goldstein and Phil Dunster | Apple TV+
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I was just about to post this but had to check that it hadn’t already been shared first lol. What a lovely conversation, eh? <3
My favorite part is when Brett almost admitted that he is an AI.
No but really, I love how you can really tell they get along and joke a lot off-screen, it’s very heartwarming.
It’s guy love,
Between two guyyyys. 🎶
A little off topic, but Brett is co-creator of the show, Shrinking, also on AppleTV. Great show and just as good as Ted Lasso. I highly recommend giving it a watch.
I’m glad people enjoy Ted Lasso because it’s such a positive show. But, am I the only one that just found the acting too much to overcome? I just felt like the acting was so robotic
I love how much Phil loves Brett
Which supporting cast are actual athletes? I had no idea!
So weird seeing them nice and loving to one another. I can’t separate the characters from the actors.