Why Alcohol Is The Most Damaging Drug In The World – Interview with Neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt
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Why Alcohol Is The Most Damaging Drug In The World – Interview with Neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt
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The biggest PR stunt in the world is how alcohol distanced itself with the word “drug”.
It’s always “drugs and alcohol.”
No. It’s just drugs. People get dependencies and overdose on it and die all the time.
Just because it’s legal and used every day doesn’t make it less of a drug.
Edit: Reading some responses it seems like I need to clarify some things:
* I am not American guys. I swear.
* My point is not “ban alcohol. Just merely don’t separate it from the drug umbrella, as a society
* To the people that are bringing Marijuana into this. Pointing out another drug doesn’t automatically make alcohol not a drug.
* I’m being objective in raising the point. It’s not to put down anyone. I drink alcohol. I smoke weed. That doesn’t mean I should turn a blind eye to what they are.
David Nutt was head of the UK Government’s [Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs](https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/advisory-council-on-the-misuse-of-drugs) (ACMD) and an esteemed international leader in the field.
He was forced out of his role when his findings didn’t line up with political agendas. Namely, he was tasked with reducing public harm and found that the largest single policy changes to make were
a) restricting alcohol (harm caused by social effects of drunkenness, not considering long term health impacts)
b) decriminalising cannabis (harm caused by criminal justice system)
This was extremely politically unpopular, and he had to quit, saying “They tasked me with reducing harm without actually reducing any harm”
The ACMD is now renowned among the Civil Service as somewhere which has great ideas and is universally ignored. They were in the news relatively recently when Rishi Sunak’s administration decided to ignore another of their reports.
It still never ceases to amaze me that alcohol is responsible for so many ills, both in terms of health and social impact. But other drugs like marijuana and magic mushrooms are listed as more dangerous.
I know people who are recovering alcoholics. I know people who have ruined their lives due to alcohol. The fact that’s legal and available almost everywhere is a major factor. I’ve also been around people who are very belligerent drunks. It’s NOT pretty.
I’ve also been around people who are stoned or high. They can be annoying, but they’re rarely dangerous. Years ago when I was working at a fast food restaurant, we often got this guy who came in late at night stoned out of his mind. You could smell the weed on him the second he entered the door. Even though he was a bit goofy, he was delightful to deal with. He also ate a LOT. And he tipped well.
That more than anything convinced me that I’d rather deal with stoners over drunks.
People don’t want to talk about policing alcohol because the vast majority of people do not need policing or government intervention on their drinking habits, it’s a literal punish the many because of the few discussion. They have also seen the utter failure that drug policing has been historically.
I really hope the Zoomers or Alphas are the first generation that distances themselves from drinking culture. I say this as someone who loves beer, wine, whisky but also sees the writing on the wall. Our history as a species is far too mixed up in alcohol, and it shows.
[This was the video](https://youtu.be/Zi6c0By_44w) that really made me understand how bad alcohol was. You just can’t drink all the time. You can probably do crack, meth, or cocaine on a longer spree than you could drinking a 5th a day or more. It will destroy you. And then your alcoholic friends won’t even connect the dots that drinking did you in. They’ll just keep drinking and talk about how it was crazy you died randomly.
Neuropsychopharmacologist. That’s got to be somewhere close to the top of the long-words lists at 25 letters.
Alcohol is literally poison for the body. Cannabis is not. But one of them is advertising like crazy during sporting events and is served at family restaurants and the other is still illegal in many states and globally.
Silly shit
When someone is addicted to a drug we call them an addict and tend to blame the drugs.
When someone is addicted to alcohol we call them an alcoholic – as if it’s the individual’s fault.
It’s a subtle lingual change but it’s insidious.
As somoene who has been in the hospital five times for alcohol withdrawal, I agree.
*”weed is a gateway drug to harder drugs” ..*
what the industry **doesn’t** want you to know:
alcohol is the only true gateway drug to hard drugs!
Not to mention how unlike many other drugs, alcohol is not only harmful to the user but also everyone around them. People turn violent and reckless and thousands of innocents pay for it everyday. But god forbid suggesting some form of restriction around its availability as it happens with other drugs.
I wonder what a davidnuttdrink tastes like
David seems legit but wtf is that channel lol.
Pace yourself with alcohol. Don’t go so HAM with it.
[I’m ready. – Leslie Knope](https://youtu.be/UpdLGGmUbWE?t=186)
Any drug is fine within moderation. Enjoy your lives people.
London Real when he actually interviewed people who mattered
Fucking London Real
alcohol get me horney
My dad is an alcoholic and it will be the thing that kills him. He also has Alzheimer’s which gets worse when he drinks. Though it’s hard to notice it because usually he’s just scream drooling about the fucking fan not blowing hard enough.
I fucking hate alcohol.
“Alcohol is an evil drug… it is! I’ve been doing a lot of drugs in the last few weeks and drinking less, and I feel much better. I’m dead serious.”
— Doug Stanhope
Good quality heroin is the safest drug in the world.
Drugs are atleast discouraged. Alcohol is super encouraged from a young age(college on).
Many times it’s hard to fit in if you aren’t drinking
I want to know what the comparison looks like if you don’t look at amounts. The message here is that alcohol is the most widely used, and therefore the most harmful. I don’t doubt that, but I want to also know how harmful it is in comparison when not looking at real amounts: If people used comparable amounts of different drugs, would alcohol still be up there?
There’s some truth here but it’s also a bit black helicopter…”I was sacked because I – and only I – knew the truth!!”.