It’s moments like these that restore my faith in humanity.
It’s moments like these that restore my faith in humanity.
by u/WanderWut in funny
View Reddit by WanderWut – View Source
It’s moments like these that restore my faith in humanity.
It’s moments like these that restore my faith in humanity.
by u/WanderWut in funny
View Reddit by WanderWut – View Source
I could tell this is fake because that man definitely doesn’t want lemon pepper.
GSO represent haha
And the Oscar go to!!!!!
Good acting without underselling how obvious the skit is? I’m impressed.
Damn I was fooled till the end there
Got the Flats too, lmao
That dude deserves the Oscar. He made me FEEL how much he wanted those lemon pepper flats
Seriously, I would have gotten emotional over the wings, too.
Flats too?? Nah I teared up. I needed this today.
You all here thinking this is funny, but my boyfriend would be thrilled if someone “rewarded” him with a box of wings, double side of ranch. He wouldn’t even complain, at least until he was driving away, about them being lemon pepper instead of barbecue. 🤣🤣
How does this not have more upvotes. That was hilarious
Not gonna lie, they had me in the first half. I’m glad I watched it through. Can’t beat 16 lemon pepper wings WEEEET, with fries and extra ranch
Man guy can act. Holy shit his facial expression when he hears lemon pepper! That’s fucking skills.
Get someone who looks at you like this guy does when he first opens the box
Have you seen the prices of bone-in wings lately?
I’d have cried too.
If I had friends, I’d do skits like this also.
Damn, that touched me right in the heart
Mean pranks and “wholesome shit” look exactly the same for the first 30 seconds, I will NEVER EVER stop and talk to someone who says “Excuse me, I have to ask something”, I would answer “FUCK YOU, no you don’t, go get your affirmation elsewhere.” I don’t care if you’re gonna give an old lady a puppy for upvotes.
I get that the guy gets nice food and is happy, but in the first 15 seconds this could just as easily have been a mean prank video, and there’s no way to tell.
Lemon pepper WET
Ok this was great, he’s a better actor then 95% of Hollywood 😂
This is the kinda fake video I can get behind.
That was funny! Lol
I didn’t realize what page I was on and I’m like wait what the hell lmao
This easily the best parody of those kinds of videos.
when he said – lemon pepper…fried hard.
i was like, man now i want wings.
Some will say this is staged smh
This isn’t the first video with these two…js
This man better than me
That lip bite made me lose it
That gift is worth way more than like the 6 bucks he gave him. At least 16-18 dollars. Plus, the all flats fried extra hard? My man knows his wings
The flats too? 🥺