Thursday, January 16All That Matters

A tourist in Egypt


A tourist in Egypt


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  • They might hate the tourist, but they also live from the fame of ancient Egyptians, whose fashion was more revealing, like those see-through and under boob cut dresses.

  • Back in the 70s My mum did this in i think it was… iraq maybe*, yeah i think so.

    A blonde western woman woalking around in shirt in jeans. They would openly stare and sometimes grab you.

    *edit i can’t remember which. It might have been Iran or Afghanistan

  • Visited Egypt in 2018 with my father and rest of the family including two sisters. Dad grew up in Egypt and took us to the family home in Alexandria. The rest of us are all American and my sisters dress like the typical American woman. Nothing as revealing as this but definitely nothing that would cover them up either.

    I respect other cultures and can appreciate that you should not purposely throw your beliefs and values in their face. But let me tell you, Cairo SUCKED.

    As a tourist you’re judged everywhere and charged extra for everything. My dad had to pay extra for me and one of my sisters because we looked too white. While my other sister and brother weren’t charged a thing because they looked properly Egyptian.

    Everywhere we went my sisters were given weird looks and me and tattoos were definitely unwelcome. You could just feel that you’re not wanted there.

    I can however recommend Alexandria. It’s a really chill town with lots of tourists friendly people. It’s got a beach town vibe I really liked.

    Seeing the pyramids will make you feel small and you’re able to appreciate what people could accomplish all those years ago. And I wish I could say run out and see them. But fact is, Egypt is not tourist friendly at all. Which is a shame because they literally have one of the wonders of the world and could boost their economy tremendously all by being a bit more tourist friendly.

  • I spent some time in Cairo during college. I covered up.

    By the end of each day, I had sweat so much that I smelled like a middle school boy’s locker room.

    I don’t know how people in Egypt have sex.

  • Never again,Went there in 19,B.O. scented society,nobody wears deodorant and poverty beyond belief, hotter than Satan’s balls w no ac anywhere.It smells like shit,garbage and piss maybe because of the lack of sewers and water everywhere.Outside the tourist district it feels like you could be kidnapped at any given moment .Get a guide because the people seemed rude as fuck about english and will try to charge double every time for everything u buy.Constantly feel dirty but can’t get that grimy windblown dirt off easily .Couldn’t wait to leave and it seems the locals get pissed when they can see it in the tourists expression.Also Ice is rare so expect a refreshing Luke warm bottle of puddle water to quench ur thirst on a 119 degree stroll

  • I just returned from Cairo a couple days ago. The locals understand you are a tourist, so it doesn’t matter what you wear. However with research and street smarts you really shouldn’t wear the shorts. You will stand out no matter what. I had a great time

  • Any woman who has ever visited Egypt, just winced at this picture.

    We would all bet everything we own that she suffered severe sexual harassment, likely groping, absolutely felt intimidated and unsafe, for the entire time she was out in public like this.

    Western women learn a very harsh lesson, very quickly, when they visit Cairo. And any woman who comes in with the “ACKSHUAAAAALLY WE WENT AND IT WAS FINE” is a liar. Or never left their hotel.

  • I heard so many awful stories about tourists visiting Egypt. Although I don’t remember if it was Cairo they visited.

    One got harassed by greasy men, who offered money to buy his wife into slavery, who was blonde.

    Another one, a girl I was colleagues with got offered camels to be bought into slavery.

    OR stories about egyptian guys, who are so fricken insane, that they masturbate on the park bench while tourist girls were sitting on the next bench.

    Wild place.

  • This reminds me of when i went to Thailand. I (incorrectly) read somewhere that you should dress fairly traditional or locals would get upset/annoyed.

    So i went and dressed in long sleeves and long pant, and sneakers. It was mad hot. However it wasn’t too bad and i got used to it,if i kept drinking. What VERY quickly stood out is that everyone, including locals, thought i wss native thai. I’m Chinese.

    Tourists around me were getting hounded left and right by salesmen and tuk tuk drivers and they totally ignored me, even though i had a giant dslr around my neck. It was wonderful. Thanks to google maps, i could wander streets in s very relaxed way.

    I was very careful to rarely speak(l was traveling alone) and definitely avoided the “thai bow” which had many variants and i know I’d screw it up. If i had to show respect to someone i would do a small little bow.

  • For a country that seemingly wants to bring tourists in, culturally Egypt is a SUPER crappy place for a tourist. Egypt compared to the UAE and Saudis they make them feel like LGBTQ+ activist.

  • Don’t go to Egypt.

    All the interesting things there come from a culture that is dead and all but cleansed from the region. Whatever you gain by seeing the remains is balanced against constant harassment, rudeness, scams, and blatant disdain for you as a tourist.

  • Where they are walking…the people who built those statues…did not dress like the women who are having a minor meltdown mentally because the blonde is not covering up like good abrahamic muslims should.

    Damn these abrahamic religions are just SO anti woman it’s unreal.

    Cover up.

    Sit there.

    Listen to the male.

    Have kids.

    Take care of them and your mate.


    Do not think for yourself.

  • My Egyptian friend returns once a year to visit family. He stays about a month. For the last 3 years he has strongly encouraged me not to travel there. He said this year was the worst. He said they are close to civil uprising because of the mismanaged government and wealth disparity. A large portion of the population is facing food scarcity, and crime is becoming rampant, especially toward foreigners.

  • This has probably been said elsewhere but my understanding is this is one of the most dangerous things a white, blond woman can do while traveling. All you need is one guy being a dick and then other guys follow the lead.

  • I had 2 guns pointed at me in Cairo

    Tourist shop when I didn’t buy anything

    Horse taxi when I refused his travel demand

    People are NOT nice.. Even the your guide was horrid

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