After consuming all the pre-flight bud light, Blendertron went on a drunken rampage, only to be thwarted by the quick actions of the brave and brilliant ground crew.
Everyone on the tarmac gets a drug test. Incidents like this usually end up with someone entirely uninvolved losing their job. Good entertainment though.
I get how expensive airplanes are, especially for impact damage, but Big Black Dude needs to understand his life is worth waaaaaay more than any aircraft.
Hero saves the nose of that plane, that would have been costly.
WeLL that’s oNe way to get the job done 😁👍🏿👏💡
Noo, the food!
A large mass is spinning violently.
^Move ^towards ^it ^and ^find ^the ^peace ^you ^seek.
That one lady knows a workman’s comp settlement is circling right in front of her and joins the dance.
Awesome ending. Good job. That was almost a million dollar problem for someone.
Looks like a husky when it is told it’s time to leave the park.
Are u guys running out of shit to post, this is 4x in a month, comm’on, u can do better than this for karma farming
Well this is a lot more safe for work than the last video I watched with that song playing.
That guy better be getting a raise.
After consuming all the pre-flight bud light, Blendertron went on a drunken rampage, only to be thwarted by the quick actions of the brave and brilliant ground crew.
How did this begin, how did the cart get out of control ?. Well done the guy that stopped it.
The machines start to rebel. This is the beginning…
Lektro to the rescue!
…and the perfect song choice
Everyone on the tarmac gets a drug test. Incidents like this usually end up with someone entirely uninvolved losing their job. Good entertainment though.
You spin me round round, baby right now
Might be the greatest airport video I’ve seen 🤣
Good work at the end there
I feel the need…. The need for speed.
Delivering the doughnuts 🍩
The two guys in the red cart “are you seeing this shit?”.
Aw hell! Someone do something.
Alright Dale go get it.
Dale where you going!
Dammit Dale!
Dale you got it! DAALE!
Nvm you good Dale.
This is why I don’t smoke during the work day
Smart. Saved the plane and expensive repairs.
He gets an extra 30 minutes in the ball pit
Give that man a raise
It came so close to that plane on its last go round.
BattleBots has changed since the last time I watched it.
Drifted and flipped it
Not to be that guy, but it’s spinning left round.
Dude just saved someone an insurance claim in the hundreds of thousands, and probably makes <$20/hr
What a hero!
The guy at the end deserves a promotion and raise. Everyone else just standing around waiting for it to hit the plane, like fucking do something!
Pusher man might’ve saved a really expensive jet repair bill.
Is the person stumbling in the back concussed? Hopefully they are ok.
I get how expensive airplanes are, especially for impact damage, but Big Black Dude needs to understand his life is worth waaaaaay more than any aircraft.
Thank god. Now who ever flies it can get to climate change summit in time.
That was about to get very expensive
Great idea dude just save that jet
Came very close to belonging in r/thatlookedexpensive
People are really mad at bud light
Probably saved the airport $1m by blocking it from hitting that plane.
Fuck this is good.
I was hoping it was the video of the lady that got sucked in one of the jet engines