[OC] I painted a rubber duck onto this painting that was being thrown away.
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[OC] I painted a rubber duck onto this painting that was being thrown away.
View Reddit by KittenBraden – View Source
r/ducks would like this 😆
Ho! The megapode!
You’ve only improved it. Nice work.
You made something ho hum into big time fun. Good job!
Would you be willing to sell this?
The implied menace of the approaching duck about to run over the log cabin and its inhabitants. That stare. Those dead eyes
Well it can’t be throw away now, it looks great!
I’m no artist but wouldn’t more of the duck reflect in the lake than just that one lil piece of yellow? Nice job though!
As someone who collects rubber ducks I would absolutely recommend you continue this going forward and selling them. What a great way to upcycle art that would otherwise collect dust at a good will.
Agent 47 – *heavy breathing*
At my sons school the cleaning crew hides miniature ducks in random spots. No prizes or anything just keeps everyone busy.
Nice work!
Dude! You painted over”The Pond”, a rare painting by early impressionist, DeValgo. It was worth millions before you painted over it.
You could have given that happy little tree in the forefront a friend before discarding it. The duck is a nice addition.
This painting used to be everywhere – I remember both my grandmother and another friend’s grandmother having a printing. There were other similar styled printings that went with it from the same artist.
The duck completely makes the painting.
There is a famous danish painter called Asger Jorn that made did something similar: https://1890056479.rsc.cdn77.org/rivista/immagini/2017/716/asger-jorn-le-canard-inquietant.jpg
That reflection of the duck would be way the hell bigger.
Unless it is a vampire duck, and in that case, there would be no reflection.
But you already painted part of the reflection, so what’s the real deal here? Is the duck a vampire or not? Did it just get bitten by another vampire and is in the middle of transitioning to being a vampire duck??
There are now more questions than answers.
If it keeps any amount of the art around when it would otherwise have been thrown away – it’s a good thing.
James, we have to talk about the ducks.
Plug for r/repaintings
Reminds me of the [duck that toured several cities](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/huge-rubber-duck-migrating-to-trinity-park-in-fort-worth/2682284/) a few years ago.
Reminds me of Detroit.
This is one of my favorite genres of art, painting over existing paintings. I especially like when UFOs are added, although it has become cliché.
My sister and law does this. Specifically sea monsters painted into serene light house painting.
So that’s where the Toronto duck went