I feel like I don’t see many movies as uniquely weird as Hot Rod anymore…
I feel like I don’t see many movies as uniquely weird as Hot Rod anymore…
by u/Corey_Bee in funny
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I feel like I don’t see many movies as uniquely weird as Hot Rod anymore…
I feel like I don’t see many movies as uniquely weird as Hot Rod anymore…
by u/Corey_Bee in funny
View Reddit by Corey_Bee – View Source
Cool beans.
What a classic! That movie is definitely slept on
Baby no, babe wait!
One of my favourite movies of all time.
My names Rod and I like to party.
Never stop never stopping
He died instantly. The next day.
Its basically Andy Sandberg’s Napoleon Dynamite
It’s disgusting how people will just, you know, take something good and just take advantage of a situation. There was no time to do anything,
except just leave and just hope that you’re not hurt.
Man, pools are perfect for holding water 😆
I like to party
I go to church every god damn Sunday and you’re gonna bring the demons out of me?
Hot Rod is one of those movies that was a lot of guys first time making a movie. There are a few advantages here. First, they sat on this script for years waiting to make it. Over time they were able to refine the script. Second, they didn’t know how to make a “good” movie so they wouldn’t second guess themselves with as many safe choices. And third, none of them knew if they would ever make another movie after this. Do what you want now.
Now I don’t want to say that kiss was hot, but if the boner police are here, I want a lawyer
“I said you look shitty, goodnight, Denise!” This is probably my favorite movie of all time.
I dressed as Rod for Halloween. Only the cool people understood it. [Homemade Hot Rod Halloween Costume](https://imgur.com/a/0TRnUgd/)
Frank. I’m going to get you better you old sack of shit!
You look pretty Denise
I said you look shitty Denise good night
feel this scene is underrated in the movie. go taco! https://youtu.be/FPlWssdjG30?t=88
Dancing guy just absolutely beaming people with flyers
This comment thread, I’ve finally found my people 😭
the scene where he goes to blow off some steam in the forest lmao
One of my favourite comedies. I remember this was the only movie i could watch for free on cogeco on demand. Didn’t know anything about it, I just put it on and man… I never stopped laughing. What a great surprise it was.
*”Frank, I’m gonna get you better, you old sack of shit. And then I’m gonna uncork the ass beating of a lifetime on you!”*
This is my hat now, this is totally my hat
How can you put a compilation together from this movie and not include the John Farnham sing along montage turned riot? One of the greatest sequences.
For me it’s the extremely long and drawn out fall down the hill… or possibly Sulli you son of a bitch I owe you a shot to the nuts.
Hot rod napoleon dynamite and nacho libre shaped a whole generation of kids and how the perceive comedy
This is one of the last movies I watched with my family before I left to the military and I hold onto that memory pretty tight…
Looking back it’s a pretty corny movie but it brings me joy to know that I have those memories with my family…
Never sneak up on a man who’s been in a chemical fire
The Director’s commentary is hilarious. It’s Andy, Jorm and Akiva goofing off.
The hardest I’ve ever laughed was seeing this in theaters… years later I showed it to my wife and she turned it off after 10 minutes… for some reason we’re still married.
Kevin! Did we reinforce the take off ramp?
Nah we didn’t have time.
…. Cool.
“Pools are perfect for holding water”
Hey… can you come drive me to the hospital. I was using my angle grinder on LSD and had an accident.
Ancestors Protect me
Ultimate punch!
Hey what’s that song about the grandma getting run over by a reindeer?
I love when they dance to 2 of hearts
I used to be legit. In fact, I was too legit. I was too legit to quit. But now, I’m not legit. I’m un-legit. And for that reason, I must quit.