McColloch’s Go-Kart Ambassador, Don Knotts, with twin engine Go-Kart in 1961
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McColloch’s Go-Kart Ambassador, Don Knotts, with twin engine Go-Kart in 1961
View Reddit by eaglemaxie – View Source
Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 3 times.
First Seen [Here]( on 2019-05-11 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here]( on 2019-06-04 98.44% match
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Don’t hug a girl like that when you’re that short. You’ll shoot your eye out.
Go-kart’s not the only thing with twin engines
‘If I told you you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?’
A remember an old lady on my block wore a bullet bra well into the 2000’s.
Looks like he might need to belt it pretty soon
Legendarily well endowed. RIP Don Knott’s knob
the chainsaw guys and Ms Dagmar
If there was any time to use his one “bullet”…
I really had to zoom in on that “pair” to confirm. Looks like two chains and independent sprockets.
I counted 4 engines
Which one is Don Knotts?
She must have inspired that old Lara croft game.
The brochure said they’re would be only a few ostriches!
…*’AIR BAGS’ are standard on this model!!*
Got a couple of twin turbos…..pushed up against his neck
Hey now, that’s not just a couple of twin engines — she has a name!
RF had a way with the ladies.
Twin engines alright
The Three’s Company prequel that we need.
Headlights look nice. The rear bumper looks pretty good.
The go-kart looks ok too btw
Twin engines you say???
The smile says it all
He’s with twin something that’s for sure . Way to go Mr.Furley RIP
Come and knock on our knockers
I see she helped get his flag up
Can’t wait for Dane DeHaan to get an oscar for the Don the Knotts biopic
That man is clearly living the dream.
I can only see the side of one of her engines…
I’m from the same area as Don Knotts, one of my neighbors growing up had worked with his brother as an auto mechanic.
He’s in pole position alright
Thelma Lou’s not going to be happy.
This is very pornographic.
Don Knotts had a reputation for being a ladies man!
Twin engine indeed!
Nice bumpers.
Thats a fat 1960s white woman ass
Thelma who?
Her name was Go Kart? Of course she is.
See the finish line; cross the finish line. Well played, Don. Well played.
LOVE her dual overhead cams…….and that shapely chassis ain’t too shabby either…….
vroom vroom
va va va voom
Looks like a lot of fun. I wouldn’t mind taking a few laps on that.
And look the cart has two motors!