English subtitles for Malena (2000) are messed up. Watch the clip then read my explanation in the first comment
English subtitles for Malena (2000) are messed up. Watch the clip then read my explanation in the first comment
by u/redrobbin7 in movies
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Many years ago I was watching that movie with my ex, who is Italian, and she commented that the English subtitles were complete garbage. It made me pay attention and having some passing knowledge of Romance languages I could tell that the subtitles did not just have errors, but were rather so wrong I was convinced it was done intentionally as a weird joke.
Let me give you a glaring example; in the first 2 minutes of the film the boy was getting his first bike, and according to English subtitles the shop guy was telling him “the frame is British, the gears are German, the pedals are French”. In reality he was telling him that these parts came from different brands that he was naming, not a mention of countries at all. Then the English subs have him say that he forgot the source of other parts, when in reality he said no such thing.
These subtitles come with the American DVD, the British one, and both the Korean DVD and Bluray versions. I looked everywhere on subtitle sites and those same bad English subs are all I could find.
Wanted to share this with you,and hopefully one kind Italian soul would create proper subs for the full uncut version of the film. It’s simply unfair that we English speakers can only watch this masterpiece with joke titles that someone was having fun with!
EDIT: I just discovered that this subreddit converts clips and removes sound. Well, whatever.
Yeah, we’re watching Malena not for the same reasons you are tho.