Funny thing; if you rotate the disc 180° it spells “DOOϺ” (creepy, i know..). And of you flip it, there’s a mirror (even creepier) February 21, 2022 at 10:25 pm Reply
If DoomGuy hated trees as he does demons, he’d drive every known tree on Earth to extinction. February 22, 2022 at 12:34 am Reply
Is there an actual Doom wad that features such a natural environment? Because, I’m not gonna lie, that looks really relaxing to play. February 22, 2022 at 1:08 am Reply
That reminds me of the old blonde joke. Why’d the blonde get fired from the M&Ms factory? Because she kept throwing out all the W’s. February 22, 2022 at 1:20 am Reply
This was literally on the front page like 2 days ago guys. Jesus fuckmothering Christ. February 22, 2022 at 2:20 am Reply
I would play the shit out of that. Especially in the morning.
A WAD for that has to exist.
It doesn’t go in a case! It goes back on its spindle 🤣
r/itplayswood ??
You guys are definitely not 81, I’m telling mom!
Funny thing; if you rotate the disc 180° it spells “DOOϺ” (creepy, i know..).
And of you flip it, there’s a mirror (even creepier)
“you’re the case for wood”
The Doom/Valheim crossover I’ve been waiting for.
I thought it was my turn to repost this
Wood, for ages 81 and up.
Wood. Contact your doctor if it lasts longer than 4 hours.
Now someone needs to make this game
“But i got Wood right here, baby”
*70s porn music starts*
You don’t have a wife
If DoomGuy hated trees as he does demons, he’d drive every known tree on Earth to extinction.
Is there an actual Doom wad that features such a natural environment? Because, I’m not gonna lie, that looks really relaxing to play.
That reminds me of the old blonde joke. Why’d the blonde get fired from the M&Ms factory? Because she kept throwing out all the W’s.
Thanks for the weekly repost
wood eternal
After looking at Reddit I can’t find an original post to write.
This was literally on the front page like 2 days ago guys. Jesus fuckmothering Christ.
Starring the main protagonist: Woodguy
Have you tried setting the disc to Wumbo?
Wood, for 81-year-olds
Why is your wife putting away your game discs?