They’ve had a much longer and more profitable career than their music deserves. In each era they had success in (73-77, 89-93 etc) there were FAR superior bands probably doing less well. I like some of their stuff of course, but probably only about 20% of it. But I will say that Sweet Emotion is a great rock song.
This was their peak! I saw them in 1979 and they were terrible. They were so drunk or drugged out on stage. Steven Tyler forgot lyrics and totally slurred the ones that he did remember. Joe Perry forgot guitar parts. It was a mess. As a huge Aerosmith fan, I was so disappointed. Didn’t stop me from being a fan though.
They were world class assholes in the late 70s.. Guzzling Jack Daniels on stage and passing out halfway through the show didn’t go over well with fans..
I am in the minority I always loved Joe Perry when they had their comeback in the 90’s! He looked great to me. He looks great here with his hair. Of all of them he is the only one who still looks pretty descent for his age.
This is like a real life caricature.
None of them look like they have any knowledge of smithing aeros
Steven Tyler has always been one weird ass looking dude…
They’ve had a much longer and more profitable career than their music deserves. In each era they had success in (73-77, 89-93 etc) there were FAR superior bands probably doing less well. I like some of their stuff of course, but probably only about 20% of it. But I will say that Sweet Emotion is a great rock song.
toms just happy to be there
Not a fan…but great photo. Guy at back sort of wrecks it.
Toys In The Attic is one of my favorite albums. Great music, great band, and they put on a great show.
Rock n roll: getting ugly guys laid since the 1950’s
Joe Perry DeVille
This is the most British looking American band ever.
Those eyes tell a story.
I bet Steven could fit a grapefruit in that mouth.
The most wholesome they have ever looked
Steve tylers face is really scaring me
Wow are they all bugly…!
Looks like an AI version of Tyler
It’s fortunate for them they were rock stars…
Rock bands were invented so that ugly men could get laid
JFC, these guys would have been really lonely if they hadn’t become famous musicians.
Damn Steven Tyler has a huge mouth. You can see his third molar no problem.
Didn’t their careers distentigrate by 1979 (until RunDMC covered Walk this Way)
This was their peak! I saw them in 1979 and they were terrible. They were so drunk or drugged out on stage. Steven Tyler forgot lyrics and totally slurred the ones that he did remember. Joe Perry forgot guitar parts. It was a mess. As a huge Aerosmith fan, I was so disappointed. Didn’t stop me from being a fan though.
It’s shocking they even survived the 70’s.
Ready for Lonely Island to make a mockumentary of Aerosmith with Andy Samberg as Steven…let’s go ahead & tackle that teen Steven groomed topic.
They were world class assholes in the late 70s.. Guzzling Jack Daniels on stage and passing out halfway through the show didn’t go over well with fans..
Mf can eat a melon in one bite
I am in the minority I always loved Joe Perry when they had their comeback in the 90’s! He looked great to me. He looks great here with his hair. Of all of them he is the only one who still looks pretty descent for his age.
Steve Tyler’s mouth is what inspired attack on titan.
Oh, I see, this is one of those AI-generated images. Right? You can tell by his mouth. Right?
This is like one of those pieces of art where the longer you look at it, the more weird and disturbing things you find.