Anyone else outraged by this?!? Micro transactions were a mistake!
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Anyone else outraged by this?!? Micro transactions were a mistake!
View Reddit by Witch_of_Dunwich – View Source
Lmao wtf you can play as Kanye
But you get Kanye West as part of the deal
Pretty sure John dark souls for fortnight and playable Yeezus aren’t real.
literally unplayable.
In before stupid people think it’s real
Blood Borne PC almost makes me wish this was real
I know its a joke but 1 hour of double exp lol. I spent the first 2 hours of my first souls like game fighting the tutorial
this is quite well-made for a joke, I wonder if they were trying to actually convince someone this is real lol.
John Dark Souls and Yeezus!
Knew it was a joke when I saw playable Yeezus
I ordered 3. Can’t wait!
the 3 boss skip cards have me dying
Boss skip cards.
Miyazaki would never do such a thing
3 boss skip cards is enough for anyone who has played dark souls that this is sarcasm. Less believable than playable yeezus.
Don’t post stuff like this, a notable number of Redditors turn into fucking potatoes when they are faced with obvious sarcasm. I’m too scared to scroll down into the comments.
plz, i just had the worst half of a second in my life
Ya’ all need Yeezus.
“You lost me at Yeezus”
Really? You weren’t instantly tipped off with the “Boss Skip” cards? You ***reeaaalllyy*** think FromSoft would ever?
Kanye looks like a CIV 5 leader on this pic LMAO
Definitely was one of my favorite posts a couple of months ago on r/Eldenring
For a moment I thought this was completely real until I say Kanye
“John Dark Souls skin for Fortnite”
Big oof
I have no name.
I have no past.
All I know is that I must go to castle.
They call me John Darksouls, and I’m all outta gum.
This is a game journo’s dream.
Had my pitchfork ready until I looked closer
NGL you had me for like 5 seconds until I saw the Yeezy skin.
Guarantee many people will eat the onion on this one
My immediate thought was “this is From Software, no way they’d ever agree to this”
Good joke though, love how the Kayne unlockable character is called Yeezus
I was pissed, then I saw Yeezus.
Thought this was real until I read “John dark souls fortnite skin”
But you have playable Kanye